Kenji’s Unthought Plans

"Right, calming my nerves…." With all the howling demonic beasts, Ai did not know how she was going to do that!

The night slowly went by. Come high moon, Ami woke up Nana and Yuki, who both jumped down off the tree they were in and sat at the base of it with a small fire going. This allowed both Ami and Ai to take their spots. It worked out better since the branches were wider and would at least make it so they would not fall off as easily as the branches they were sitting on before.

Yuki leaned back against the tree staring at the fire, while Nana leaned her head on Yuki's shoulder. It seemed Nana found comfort in being close to Yuki. Yuki also did not mind. She could tell Nana was someone she could kind of trust. Nana was willing to reveal herself to her, but that did not mean she could show her true form to Nana just yet. But Yuki did find it slightly nice knowing there was someone else like her. Whether it was good or bad, she would not push Nana away for the time being since this feeling of closeness was something she had long forgotten. The two girls did not speak at all as they sat there the rest of the night, staring at the fire. They really only moved when they needed to toss more wood onto the flames to keep it going.

Early morning rang in with the sounds of winds picking up. Ami, Nana, and Yuki all looked up toward the sky since they were used to this kind of situation. "We should find cover before the rain falls."

"Mmm…" Yuki hummed in agreement before looking towards the east. "Mountain side east."

"I was thinking the same." Ami smiled. She was glad her team was filled with people who understood what they were doing. In no time at all, they all began marching eastward.

Because this was supposed to be three months of survival in the forest, this meant they had to forage and hunt their own food as well. But even so, many did not want to push too far into the forest since the further they went in, the more dangerous it would be. So even if food or privacy was scarce, many did not dare to move in further.

Of course, this did not mean all groups were scared to go deeper into the forest. Kenji's team of five was more than willing. "Hey Kenji, are you sure this is okay?"

"Huh? I said, I just want Yuki. You guys can do what you want with the rest." Kenji replied.

"But isn't one of them your sister?" A young man asked. He had to make sure Kenji was okay with this before he made his move.

"It's her fault for getting in my way. Maybe losing her purity will help her realize that she can not go against me." Kenji replied coldly. He showed no emotion when it came to his own sister being pushed down by another man against her will.

"Alright then…." The young man licked his lips. He had taken a liking to Ai when he saw her, so this was good news for him.

"I spotted them!" A young man in green robes landed near them and reported. "They are heading east."

"Then let's catch up to them." Kenji did not want to waste any time. You would think that he would first check his own abilities before rushing headfirst into a fight with three people who could easily beat him in a one versus one, but his mind was only thinking of making Yuki his wife and nothing else.

"Sorry guys, I am not going. I do not want any part of this."A young man in blue robes stopped his steps. He originally was only going along with them since he couldn't find another group. He did not know they had these kinds of plans.

"Hah. No one needs you anyways. There are only four girls, so a fifth person would just be dead weight." Kenji replied mockingly before saying: "If you tell anyone what we are doing, I do not mind killing you, so keep your mouth shut."

"And what is that you plan on doing?" A gruff voice was heard as a tall, muscular young man walked out of the tree line with a huge sword on his back. Behind him were three others, two girls and another guy.

"I do not think that is any of your business. So scram Ryu!" Kenji snorted. He did not like Ryu, the young man who he lost to when fighting for one of the courtyards.

"Oh? But you see, my companion heard you planned to do something to the girls up ahead. If this is true, then you are no different from a demonic beast." Ryu might be a bit of a hot head, but he believed in honor and respect for those around him unless it came down to battle.

Kenji frowned as he said: "Ryu, I do not think it is any of your business what I do."

"You seem to have also forgotten that this test is overseen by elders. So if you have such plans, it seems you are trying to execute them while being watched. Do you think the elders will allow it?" Ryu gave a friendly reminder which made Kenji's face turn sour. He had indeed forgotten they were actually being watched.

"Tch! Fuck it. Let's go." Kenji turned and began walking in the opposite direction. He figured it would be better to deal with things another way. But from this incident alone, one could easily tell he was not bright or was he forgiven. To even allow his own sister to go through hell to meet his own desires showed just how evil Kenji could be.