Small Talk

Kenji hated Ryu just as much as he hated his own sister for getting in his way time and time again. He knew he could not beat Ryu which angered him even more. "Kenji, what do you plan to do now?"

"Did you tie him to the tree?" Kenji asked.

"Yeah, he's tied to a tree. We stripped him of his clothes as well." Lackey A replied.

"Good. Leave him there. Elders are watching, right? As long as we do nothing too extreme, I am sure we will not get in trouble. They will save him before he dies, so it's fine. But more importantly. We need to teach those girls a lesson. I want you guys to make short work of my sister and the other two bitches that were with her. I will handle Yuki." Kenji's eyes narrowed. He just had to make Yuki his woman, and he would be able to secure his spot as the heir to the Sakaki family.

"We can't touch them in the sect, though." Lackey B cut in. He was a bit smarter than the other three.

"They will need to go out on missions, right? We just have to wait. While I want to hurry and get this deed done, we can not risk angering the elders." Kenji replied. "So keep an eye on the mission pavilion. Because once we return, we will need to start doing missions in order to progress our cultivation."

"Leave watching the mission pavilion to me, I will be sure to let you know which mission they take." Lackey C had a strange look in his eyes as he said this. Each one of these people was just as bad as Kenji.

"My question is will we be able to beat them? Besides your sister, the others are not weak at all." Lackey A did not think he could defeat one in a fight.

"Maybe if you are stupid and attack them from the front, but if you sneak attack them, there won't be shit they can do. Just don't let them catch you, is all." Kenji sneered. Outside the sect, they could do anything.


Ai and Ami once again took the first shift. She noticed the closeness between Nana and Yuki was much different than before. Nana was using Yuki's lap as a pillow while Yuki leaned against the cave wall with her eyes closed.

"Ami, do you know when they became so close?" Ai asked.

"No…. From what I know, they share the same courtyard. Maybe they hit it off their first night? Although, for some reason, they seemed to be close from the start, right?" Ami had always felt these two girls sleeping at this time had been close since their first meeting.

"Who knows! I just wish I could get Yuki to open up to me more. I do wish to be her friend…." Ai said with pursed lips. She kept telling herself that she wasn't jealous, but seeing Nana using Yuki as a pillow made her want to scream! She wanted a lap pillow too!

Ami looked at the jealous gaze on Ai's face and giggled. She then sat down next to Ai and patted her lap. "You can use mine."

"Humph! Not like it will make me feel any better… Feuah~!" Ai's mood instantly became better as she laid her head on Ami's thighs. "So soft…."

"Excuse me for having bigger thighs!" Ami snorted before something came to mind as she said: "When we return, do not do any missions without me. Your brother does not seem right in the head, so if he really decides to go through with his recent plans, he will do so outside the sect."

"I will. Ami, thanks." Ai felt a little safer, with Ami willing to stand on her side. She did not know what Yuki and Nana would do since they did not say much, but she figured they, too, would come to her aid if she needed it.

"Friends in the cultivation world are not something you see often, but when bonds form, they will last an eternity," Ami said softly as she gently stroked the top of Ai's head. "I am glad I worked up the courage to talk to you three. While Nana and Yuki do not show much emotion, you can tell they see us as their companions. I feel as long as we both never betray them, they will come to trust us enough to open up to us. As for you, you are too kind, I think. In the cultivation world, such kindness will be abused, and well, you might just end up being used in one way or another. As your friend, I will do what I can to protect you."

"Sorry for trying to be nice. But I do understand where you are coming from. But I think you misunderstand me a little. I am someone who will kill a person who messes with me. Be it friend or foe. As long as they are out to harm me in one way or another." Ai let out a small sigh.

"Have you killed someone before?" Ami asked curiously.

"Well, no…. But I do not think I will have an issue doing so." Ai never really thought about it until recently, but she felt that if someone touched any of these three girls or herself, she might be able to pull it off.

"I figured. I have only done it once myself, but at that time, I had no choice. It is not easy the first time, but… Well, let's just say when the time comes, you will understand. Anyway, let's talk about something more entertaining. Like why you are obsessed over Yuki." Ami decided to change the subject. She hated heavy subjects like these.