Extreme Punishment

Yuki moved across the treetops and made her way to the front of the four boys. Only then did she jump down with her broken sword in hand. Her sudden appearance startled the four boys at first, but Kenji, whose eyes were glued to Yuki, started to become excited. He wondered if she was here to throw herself at him. "Ahem…. Yuki, what do we owe the honor of you gracing us with your appearance today?"

"Didn't you want to do this and that?" Yuki asked softly, causing Kenji's ears to perk up and his excitement to pique. But her following words poured cold water all over his head: "I came to make sure you could never do this and that ever again."

Before anyone could comprehend what she meant a shrill scream was heard that was so loud and devastating that it scared away all the rank one demonic beasts in the area. Kenji collapsed to the ground holding his crotch, that was now bleeding. He looked up at Yuki with fear in his eyes with a hint of killing intent as well. He knew his thing was now useless!

"When you had designs on me and were planning to rape me and my companions, did you think there would not be repercussions?" Yuki's cold voice rang out. "In this world, there are things you do and don't do. And lines you can cross and can not cross. And you four crossed the line."

Yuki swung her foot and kicked Kenji in the head, sending him tumbling toward one of his companions before sprinting forward and slashing out at the nearest young man. She had no expression as she swung her sword, slicing deep into the young man's crotch. He let out a shrill scream that rivaled that of Kenji's before having his face stomped on and his head pressed into the ground as Yuki dashed toward her next target. After two more cries rang out, she grabbed each one by one of their feet and dragged them together, where she proceeded to kick and punch them in all parts of their body.

She looked down at the four boys who were withering in pain and spat at them. "Did you really think I would be an easy target? Did you really think that you could even have such thoughts and no one would retaliate? Let me tell you now…. Your pain is only beginning,"

Yuki grabbed Kenji by his head, who could only look on as Yuki raised her sword and began carving his forehead up with it. At this moment, the beautiful girl he wished to make his wife was no more than a demon in human skin. Her expressionless face and cold eyes that seemed to want to dig out his organs made him wish he was dead. The pain as she started to slice off the skin on his face was so bad he couldn't help but cry out.

The elder, who was watching this all from a tree, shook his head. He did not stop Yuki. He had been following the four young men this entire time and heard everything. He had planned to report it to the sect after they returned but now…. He felt they were getting a punishment befitting their own schemes. "As long as they don't die, it's fine…." He mumbled to himself.

He was quite amazed that the silent girl spoke so much and even more surprised at her ability to take action without any hesitation. She didn't hesitate in the slightest to start carving the young men up. While gruesome, it was something that would heal in time. But their lower parts… Even the elder had to cringe at this.

If someone were to come see Kenji and his companions now, they would only see a bloody mess with a girl covered in blood standing before them as if what had just happened was nothing at all. Yuki looked at her work and felt very satisfied. She did not feel she went too overboard. In fact, she felt a slight satisfaction in retaliating in such a way. She reached down and picked up one of the swords that belonged to one of the young men and then walked over to the young man who was originally on Kenji's team that had been tied to the tree. Without a word, she cut the ropes before turning around and running off.

The young man looked at the girl running off and then at the bloody mess on the ground and felt like everything he had suffered through had already been repaid and then some. But the image of the expressionless girl's face, while covered in blood, made his ears turn red. He crouched down on the ground, trying to hide his embarrassment as he mumbled: "Why did she have to see me naked!?"

Yuki, without realizing it, had gained another admirer. She had only let the young man go out of goodwill as a bonus. She never meant for him to fall for her in any shape or form. Yuki stopped and killed a few demonic beasts along the way to stockpile her demonic cores. She still had to worry about her cultivation. She realized she had been a little lax these past few days and needed to get herself back into cultivation mode once more.

She grabbed one of the demonic beasts by its tail. It was a leopard of some kind, she did not know its exact species since she did not learn much about higher rank demonic beasts, but she felt that the skin could make a good blanket, and the meat might taste good so she was bringing it back to the cave.

As soon as she arrived, Ai's voice echoed through the area: "Yuki, what happened!?"

Yuki did not respond as she pulled the dead leopard into the cave. She did not wish to tell Ai that she had just made it so that Kenji would never be considered a man again or the fact that she carved all the flesh off his face. Now that she was thinking more deeply about it, she wondered if she had gone too far…. But no matter which point of view she thought about it from, she still concluded that her actions were justified.