Escape Part 1

Seeing her sword shatter before her eyes, Yuki tried to brace herself for the impact that was to come. She raised her arm and knee to protect her ribs as the large paw slammed into her body. Cracking sounds were heard as both her arm and leg shattered under the power of the wind wolf. She was only able to parry the claws away from her body, but the rest of the huge paw slammed into her, sending her flying out once more.

Yuki's body flew through the air and did not stop until it slammed into a tree. She puked up a few mouths full of blood as she landed face first on the ground. Although her leg and arm were disabled, in her half conscious state, she still tried to get up.

She began to wonder what was wrong with her. Why did she save people that had nothing to do with her? If it was before the training, she would have just protected herself and escaped on her own. But now…. She wondered how foolish she truly was. She had the ability to escape on her own, but she stayed behind. Yuki let out a sigh as she struggled to stand on one leg. Blood dripped from her mouth, and her left arm dangled at her side unnaturally. Her left leg was also unnaturally swaying as she tried not to put any pressure on it.

Yuki's eyes were half closed as she struggled to keep them open. If she was a normal person, she would have collapsed and passed out from the pain. But she still felt nothing, even with her arms and legs in such a condition. She reached out with her good arm with her broken sword in hand and pointed it at the wind wolves that were surrounding her.

"I am such a fool…." Yuki whispered as she bit her lower lip. She did not know if she would come out of this alive or not, but she knew at this time, there would be no one to save her. She had the others escape. There was no way they would turn around. And if an elder was watching, they would have already stepped in to help her. "Everyone…. I might not be able to save you…."


One of the wind wolves got sick of waiting and jumped forward. Yuki braced herself for the attack only to suddenly see the head fall off the wind wolf's body. A young girl appeared in her vision wielding a large sword. Her back facing Yuki as her hair danced in the air.

Yuki suddenly felt a wave of relief fall over her body as it began to sway. As her consciousness began to fade, she saw the young girl wielding her sword, attacking the wind wolves with everything she had. Yuki wondered… Why did she come back? Why would she save her? What about her own life? Many questions came to mind as her vision faded into darkness.

As soon as Nana broke through the encirclement, she had Ami race to the forest entrance to get an elder to help before turning around and rushing back the way she had just come. Her only thought at this time was she needed to help Yuki. She knew Yuki was good at fighting, but she was up against five rank three wind wolves as well as a rank four leader.

When she arrived, she saw Yuki in a terrible state, surrounded on all sides. She didn't hesitate in the slightest to rush forward. She did not wish to lose anyone ever again. Especially Yuki! With Yuki's safety being the only thing on her mind, Nana cut down one of the wind wolves trying to move around to the side to attack Yuki before charging forward and slicing the head off the wind wolf that had just attacked Yuki.

This now made it her versus three rank three wind wolves and one rank four. She knew it would not be easy, but at this time, she could only stand strong. She had to somehow get Yuki out of here.

With no other choice, she faced down the last three wind wolves that were already enraged due to two of their comrades being killed. Two of them suddenly charged forward to attack Nana. Nana was already ready for this as she used the flat side of her sword to bash one of the wind wolves away and stabbed into the neck of the second one. She then pushed off the one she stabbed with her foot and used this momentum to swing back around and slice the top of the head off the first wind wolf who was going in for a second attack.

Nana looked around for the last one only to see that the last wind wolf was not targeting Nana but Yuki! Gritting her teeth, she pushed off the ground and shot forward, causing the ground to explode under her. She used all the strength she had in her legs to give her a great boost of speed. She arrived just as the mouth of the last rank three wind wolf was about to chomp down on Yuki's head and sliced the head in two, killing the wind wolf instantly.

It was only then that the wind wolf leader let out a pained howl as it moved to attack as well. Seeing its own dying one after the other made the wind wolf's eyes go red in anger. It saw Nana as its biggest enemy!

Nana did not even think as she turned her back towards the wind wolf leader and ran over to Yuki. As she went to scoop Yuki up, she felt the killing intent behind her and quickly grabbed Yuki into her arms and dogged to the side. "Ah!" Nana let out a cry of pain as one of the claws from the wind wolf leader sliced her back.

She gritted her teeth and did her best to ignore the pain as she carried Yuki in her arms and began running as fast as she could. Even she knew she couldn't beat a rank four demonic beast. So her only priority at this time was saving Yuki and trying to escape.