Don't Touch Me


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Legend Of Yuki: The Wrath Of The Tailed Asura + 16 chapters and more to come!

Volume 1 of: Legend Of Yuki: The Wrath Of The Tailed Asura

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Hardcover and Paperback available


When the two girls did finally leave the treasure pavilion, Yuki had her sky-ranked movement technique and a sword technique that fit her perfectly called Swift Slash. It was a mortal rank technique, and it only cost three hundred contribution points, but it would at least be her first sword technique from the sect. Sadly she was unable to bring her sword technique manual from the village. But from what she read, it was not so much a sword technique but more of a training manual on how to use swords. So this was a true sword technique. For another ten contribution points, she was able to get a cheap sword.

Nana got not only the body fortification technique but also a movement technique that suited her more. She also spent some contribution points to get a word technique as well. This trip to the treasure pavilion was very fruitful for the two girls. And in order to not lose any of these things.

The two girls stored the jade slips that had the information about the techniques in their sleeve pockets before deciding to make their rounds around the sect. "We will have to thank Fatty." Nana broke the silence between the two as they walked.

"Mm…. We will go visit him tomorrow." Yuki was not one to not give thanks when thanks was due.

As the two girls took in the sights of the sect, A young girl walked out in front of them with her eyes narrowed. "You stop!"

Yuki and Nana came to a stop and looked at the young girl who was scowling at them. Nana sighed as she asked: "Is there something you need from us?"

"You are friends with that Ai bitch, right?" The young girl asked. Her question made Yuki and Nana furrow their brows. Ai was, after all, their friend.

"Why should we answer someone who goes around calling people names like that?" Yuki spoke up. She did not like people talking badly about others, especially behind their backs. And more so for those she deems friends.

Yuki's question seemed to catch the girl off guard. But she quickly collected herself as she snorted and said: "What I call her is none of your business! Just answer my ques…. Hey, stop right there! Why are you walking away!?"

Indeed, Yuki and Nana did not even want to talk to this girl, so they decided to ignore her. But it seemed some people do not take hints as the girl reached out and went to grab Yuki's shoulder only to suddenly feel the ground leaving her feet and then her back kissing it hello. "Ugh!"

Yuki had moved before the girl could even touch her, grabbed her wrist, and flipped the girl right over her shoulder. "Don't touch me." A cold metal blade rested against the girl's neck. Everyone who was there quickly gathered around to watch the scene.

Yuki and Nana were two people who were the center of attention at this time, so many had seen what had happened just now. Nana shook her head and wondered how dumb this girl could be. She had seen this girl before. It was the same girl Ai had stabbed up the butt. While she did believe the girl was getting her just punishment, she did not want Yuki to go too far and get kicked from the sect.

"Yuki, let's go. We should be cultivating." Nana tapped Yuki on the head as she said this to get her attention.

Yuki furrowed her brow before standing up and stepping on the girl's stomach. She then glared at the girl as she said: "Watch how you speak from now on. And do not go around trying to touch people. You might end up like this in more ways than one."

Leaving these words behind, Yuki left with Nana. The elders who were watching from afar all turned and left, seeing that the situation had been defused. They would not come out to help right away, only when someone's life was about to be lost. Only then would they appear and stop the situation.

As the two began walking up the path that led to their courtyard, Nana gently bumped into Yuki and said: "I did not think you would get mad, for Ai's sake. You always seemed quite annoyed at her rambling."

"She is a friend either way. She is a good person, from what I can tell. While I can not truly trust her fully, for the most part, she is still a friend. Plus, I dislike people who speak badly about people behind their backs. If she has something to say to Ai, she should do so to her face and not come running to us." Yuki answered. She had to admit though, that the rambling could be annoying sometimes, but she also understood it wouldn't be so bad if she actually spoke up once and a while instead of staring at Ai with a deadpan face.

"Well, we actually never did find out what the girl wanted to say. Not that it matters. Anyway, do you want to learn the body fortification technique first?" Nana asked with a hint of excitement in her eyes.

Yuki could only chuckle and nod her head. "Yeah, it would be best to start off with our bodies first. Especially me. I mean, I get tossed around like a leaf in the wind if I try to defend against someone or thing with great strength. It's kind of my one weakness, as you must know."

"Yeah, but at least you can make up for it with how you can maneuver your body. It kind of makes me jealous." Nana was not as agile as Yuki, so she did wish she could do the things Yuki could do.