Sky Rank Movement Technique Part 2

Elder Nishikawa led Nana away after giving Yuki a few more words of encouragement. She hoped Yuki would be able to quickly learn her techniques so she could be more ready for anything. The only reason Yuki even had the sky rank technique was because she sent a voice transmission to the old man and offered up one of her rare pills in return for him letting her slide and letting Yuki pass her other earth rank technique token to Nana so she could get something that matched her.

Elder Nishikawa always had certain things she could keep in case she could use them as a means of swaying the elders to bend the rules a bit. But this only went as far as what items she might have that she really didn't need. But to help her disciple to acquire something that she would not normally be able to get, she would give up some of her possessions in order to do so.

Yuki sat down in the middle of the dirt training ground and took out the jade slip that had the sky movement technique on it. "Heavenly Steps… A sky rank movement technique that allows the user to create footholds in the air. By doing so, they can move ten times faster than normal as well as stand on air as if they were flying."

Yuki had not actually read her technique until now, so this was all new to her. But this technique actually fit her well because when she was fighting, she was normally mid air half the time. But if she can create foot holds in the air to propel herself off of and also move faster in the process, this was just….

"To think I can match this to my fighting style perfectly. Fatty really said it would suit me…. His information network is quite amazing." Yuki had to praise the young man for being able to find out about this technique in the first place.

She continued reading to find out that in order to use this technique, she first had to master using her spiritual qi externally on the bottom sides of her feet. This meant she had to be able to stand sideways on a tree trunk and upside down from a tree branch with just her spiritual qi supporting her.

"I have a feeling I am about to really get banged up." But Yuki would not give up easily. No matter how much she suffered, she would not give up until she accomplished the task in front of her.

"Yuki!" A voice came from behind Yuki. She turned her head to see Elder Nishikawa walking over. "There was something I wished to talk to you about before you started practicing. But I did not want Nana here just in case."

Yuki was confused. She looked at Elder Nishikawa with a questioning gaze. Elder Nishikawa smiled and sat down next to Yuki, and placed one hand on her head. "Before I speak of the things that should not be said, I will first tell you what I told Nana. You two do not need to hide your true forms on this mountain peak. Whether you are from the dragon clan or the heavenly fox clan…. Yuki, calm down!"

Yuki had jumped up and drawn her sword. She stared at Elder Nishikawa with cold eyes, but those eyes soon turned to surprise when Elder Nishikawa suddenly began to transform into her real form. Fiery red wings sported from her back as her hair turned a fiery red color to match. Her orange eyes glowed as she looked at Yuki with a smile on her lips. "A dragon, a fox, and a phoenix."

Elder Nishikawa spoke slowly. "On this peak, I am the master. Not even the sect master is allowed to enter. He also knows about my true form and is sworn to secrecy, which is why I am able to do as I please in this sect. I protect it, and he protects those I wish to protect.

"While your clans have passed down your transformation technique, they are not perfect, and others from the mystic races will be able to detect your scent." Elder Nishikawa explained. "I planned to let me tell you, yourselves, but I figured it would be good for you to also train in your true forms. Make use of the assets you have, just in case."

Yuki lowered her sword. Did not think that Elder Nishikawa was like her and Nana. "How long?"

"Since we first met. Did you not think it was strange that I took you away right away? I was trying to be sure that after you bathed that you still had the scent of a heavenly fox. It was also why I so readily accepted Nana as my disciple when she asked. I can tell you this. As long as you are in this sect, the sect will always stand on your side. Of course, I know you will not always be here forever. One must always move on but remember we will always be here to stand up for you when you are in need." Elder Nishikawa patted the spot next to her. She wanted Yuki to sit back down.

Yuki hesitated for a moment before doing as she was asked. She sat down and looked up at Elder Nishikawa. "So Nana also knows?"

"Mhmm. She is not in her true form. However, she was more worried about you than herself. She seemed to truly like you a lot. She trusts you more than anything in the world. Never betray that trust. She, too, drew her sword on me. Haha!" Elder Nishikawa laughed before swiping her ring and producing a few demonic beast cores. "Take these. They are rank six demonic beasts' cores and should last you a long time. While you are on my mountain peak, I want you to cultivate your demonic cultivation as much as possible. I do not know how you did it, but when I checked your meridians. I saw the two veins exiting off the bottom. I did not mean to pry, but I could feel the demonic qi in them. Luckily Rin did not see them. But do not let others check your meridians until I come up with a way to hide it. The technique you are using to hide the demonic qi aura within you is quite amazing, but what you did is unheard of. But it is also a boon.

"Yuki, remember there is no right or wrong path. Demonic cultivators get a bad name due to the heretics that took the path in the wrong direction. Do not slack on either of your cultivation paths. Already your demonic cultivation is lagging behind. But here, you can cultivate it and in your immortal cave as well. I will protect your cave with a barrier so you can do so. But you need to let Nana know. I will let you be the one to tell her…. You can trust her. She will not look at you differently."