First Mission

--AN) Now 20 advanced Chapters on --

The group of three ignored their tails and walked straight to the mission pavilion or otherwise called the mission hall by most. Mainly because while it was considered a pavilion, it was more like a hall with its rectangular shape.

"Is this your first time here?" Fatty asked.

Yuki and Nana nodded in response as they looked around. There were no walls here. Everything was wide open. There were multiple posting boards for normal missions as well as bounty boards for taking out wanted cultivators. Yuki was quite interested in the bounty board due to it being something that might allow her to gain some information about her clansmen. But she knew she was far from being strong enough.

Besides the posting boards, there was a small structure in the middle of the mission hall that had an enclosure. It was sort of like a booth where people went to take on the missions and turn them in. An old woman sat behind the counter, her eyes locked onto the ink drawing in front of her.

"Since it is your first time, let me explain how things work. The posting boards go by how hard they are. You see the skulls at the top of each board?" Fatty pointed to the top of the posting boards and the bounty boards. Each one had skulls on it from one to ten. "Those tell you how hard that particular posting board is. It is best to make sure you stay within your ability range. The sect looks into each mission and determines their skill level. They do not try to make someone in the first fate star try to fight someone or something that is on a much higher level."

"It seems pretty simple. What about the bounty boards?" Yuki asked.

"Those… We should wait until we are stronger…." Fatty did not want to risk going out on a bounty when they had no idea what they were in for.

Yuki looked at Fatty as he scratched his head and nodded. She did not want to force him to do something he deemed dangerous. "Then let's look at the third board. We need something deep in the forest."

"Oh? You need something from the forest?" Fatty asked.

"Yeah, we need some herbs, but we do not want to spend our contribution points on buying them just yet. We wanted to get as many as we could ourselves first." Yuki explained lightly.

"Yeah, herbs can be expensive. If that is the case, then the third board is indeed what you want. It should be relatively safe as well." Fatty agreed. The third board was perfect for them because it was normally demonic beast material missions. They were normally rank two and rank three demonic beasts. He was not stupid to Yuki and Nana's powers, nor was he himself weak. The three walked up to the posting board and stood in front of it, looking at the hundreds of missions posted there.

"Hmm, rank three horned snake scales and eggs." Fatty pointed to one of the posts. "It gives a hundred and fifty contribution points which is quite high, but that is only because a horned snake and one who just laid eggs are hard to find. But…"

Fatty grinned as he looked at the two. Yuki and Nana smiled back. They understood that the information broker, Fatty would definitely know where one was. Yuki reached up and pulled the request down. "Then shall we go try our luck?"

"Lets!" Nana grinned. She was excited to be able to go out and stretch her limbs a bit and finally start getting the herbs they needed for their medical baths.

They walked up to the old woman and placed the mission on the counter. The old woman lifted her head and, in a rough voice, said: "Sect tokens."

The three passed their tokens over to the old woman who registered the mission into it and then handed them back. "You will get your contribution points once you complete the mission. If there is even one thing missing, you will fail. Good luck."

With everything set, the trio left the mission hall and headed toward the sect's gates. Of course, they were keeping a close eye on the people following after them as well. "I detect 5 people."

"I find it funny that we are so popular that so many people are interested in what we are doing." Fatty chuckled. "But from what I know, you two have made a few enemies without even doing much. It really amazes me."

"It's not like we wanted to." Yuki snorted. "People just keep bothering us. We have yet to walk up to anyone and start a fight…. Well… I did carve Kenjia's, and his friend's faces off while also turning them into women, but that is beside the point. They deserved it."

"You also beat up Junior Sister Maiko and started a fight with Senior Sister Yuko. All their lackeys are probably been notified to take you out as soon as they can. Then there are Elder Nishikawa's enemies. There are a few elders who do not think that she should be taking up a grand elder spot." Fatty pointed out quite a few things, which caused Yuki and Nana to look away.

"Well, for the most part, they came to us first. We just dealt with it how we saw fit. But we have no idea who Master's enemies are." Nana still felt that they were not fully in the wrong on all occasions.

"Just be careful. While Kejia and the two girls are nothing, it's the elders you need to watch for. Some of them are very petty. Not all the people in the sect are as good as you think."