Elder Shoji's Plot

--AN)+ 20 advanced chapters on https://www.patreon.com/invayne!--

"She was hit hard by someone at least ninth fate star or higher. She has internal bleeding and needs some healing pills fast, but in her current condition, she won't be able to take them…" Fatty had quickly checked Yuki's condition.

"I will deal with it." Nana quickly took a few pills from a bottle she had in her sleeve and put them in her mouth. She cocked Yuki's head back and opened her mouth slightly before pressing her lips against hers. She once more funneled her tongue into Yuki's mouth and slipped the pills to the back of Yuki's throat so that they would melt. At the same time, she bit her tongue to allow a bit of blood to flow down Yuki's throat as well.

Fatty blushed, seeing Nana's actions. He knew it was to save Yuki, but the sight of two beautiful girls locking lips like this was just… he was a young man, after all. He quickly turned his head and looked toward their camp to see Maiko sitting up, staring back over at them. She did not seem to be wanting to run away any time soon.

Nana continued to feed Yuki pills and a bit of her blood until she saw that Yuki's condition was back to normal. She let out a sigh of relief as she pulled her head up. She looked at Yuki's sleeping face with a warm expression as she whispered softly. "You always do such dangerous things…. When you wake, you will not be let off lightly…."

"Is she okay?" Fatty asked.

Nana turned and smiled as she nodded. "She just needs rest. She will probably cough up some blood when she wakes. But after a bit of rest, she will be fine. Fatty, why did you not wake me?"

"I…" Fatty began to sweat. Nana's cold eyes were digging through his chest and attacking his heart. "Yuki did not want to wake you, and I thought it was just Kenjia."

Fatty bowed his head as he said: "I am sorry I should not have allowed her to move on her own."

"It's fine. Yuki would have done the same no matter who was with her." Nana sighed. She knew it was not Fatty's fault. "Let's go back to camp. I will help keep watch."

"Alright." Fatty nodded and watched as Nana picked Yuki up into a princess carry and begin walking back towards camp.

_ _ _

In another location…

"You idiot! What are you doing following her around!? If I was now curious as to where you were going, you would be dead!" The old elder looked at Kenji with scorn. "If you were not still useful to me, I would not have saved you! Think before you act! Do you not think that they would not be looking out for people following them!? The first mission she does, and you follow after her like a fool! I have never met such a stupid person in my life! I told you to stay low for a few months, then act. But you did not listen!"

"Elder Shoji…. She was leaving with another man. I just…." Kenji was slapped across the face sending him to the floor.

"Don't talk back! You have no place talking back to me! You act out like this again, and my plans will be ruined. For now I can at least use this as a means to knock down that bitch slightly by putting her own disciple on trial for trying to kill a fellow sect member. She will end up being held by the disciplinary squad, which I have connections to. You are not to touch her or go near her again until I say it is okay, got it!?" Elder Shoji's voice was filled with his spirit power, causing Kenji to feel as if his chest was being crushed.

"I… I understand…" Kenji choked out. While he disliked that he could not go near Yuki, he understood now was not the time to be arguing. He also knew Yuki wanted to really kill him just now.

"Good. Now this might hurt a bit." Elder Shoji's lips curled up sadistically as he reached out and grabbed Kenji's arm and broke it with a loud snapping sound.

Kenji's cries of pain filled the night as he was stabbed, punched, and kicked over and over again. Most of the bones in his body were also shattered. He looked at Elder Shoji in horror but could not resist. He wondered if it was right to have ever agreed to this elder's offer.

- - -

Back at camp, Nana held Yuki in her arms, letting the now sleeping Yuki to nuzzle up into her chest. To the side, Maiko sat staring at the fire, not daring to look at the other two with red cheeks. And Fatty was still busy roasting meat.

"So, Maiko was it. You know we never had issues with you, right?" Nana suddenly spoke up, causing Maiko to almost jump out of her skin.

"I…. I am sorry. My pride got the better of me. I should have realized that even if I followed you no matter what, I would not have been able to do anything. Unless you were on your last breath, I would never have been able to win." Maiko replied with her head still lowered. She had lost all her pride. Not only did she pee herself once but now twice, and the second time was because of a stick! She had no means of holding her head up high anymore.