he is awake

Ama woke up early as she got ready to leave for the hospital,she wore her jacket before walking out of the door;she assumed her cousin had gone to school and her uncle was out.

she went for her bicycle and rode off to the hospital,she met with the doctor who gave her a happy look;"he is awake".

ama nodded as she walked into the ward to be met with a dangerous aura,"who brought me here";he demanded.

ama went on to explain as she saw his reaction softened,"you shouldn't have,miss";he said getting up slowly.

ama smiled as she raised her tiny hands up,"you own me for that then";kyle nodded without saying anything.

his eyes scanned his phone on the table and he stretched his hand,he saw many missed calls from his butler and smiled;ama fell into a daze when she saw his beautiful smile.

kyle felt the gaze on him and frowned,"stop doing that";he said while pressing his phone.

his phone rang again and he picked it up explaining somethings to the man,ama stood up and walked to the window to open it while he talked;kyle finished speaking and looked up to see her standing by the window.

she seemed sad and kyle noticed it but he didn't want to intervene in some stranger's life,"my butler is coming to pick me,you don't have to worry about me again";ama nodded before.pressing the button to call the nurse.

he was being checked and when he was ready to go,ama said her goodbye before walking away;he stretched his hand to hold her when Butler sam tapped him.

"you shouldn't have done that",butler sam was surprised when he said that but still bowed his head;"i am sorry master kyle".

kyle shook his head as he hugged him tightly,"she saved me Sammy,i would have died";sam consoled him while embracing him.

he was like a mother to kyle,kyle had harbored some hatred for his father since he was one and he only let Sammy close to him;"i wished to meet her again to pay my debts as i hate owning one".

sammy nodded leading him out to the car,kyle looked back at the place before going into the car;the car zoomed off out of sight.

- - -

ama finished all that she had to do before going to school,she missed the first class because of the incident;she met with stephie and her friends who gave her an irritated glare.

"look who is here",stephie shouted getting everyone's attention;ama looked down without saying anything.

"she is so ugly,i can't believe she is stephie's cousin",one of the students said and they all laughed;ama counted her steps moving away from them when she met with her best friend.

"you should have taught her a lesson",Martha said giving them a fuck you finger;ama pulled her hand as they went into the class.

"did that uncle of yours touched you yesterday",martha asked with a flaring nostrils;ama laugh a little before looking away.

"he didn't,yesterday was...",she explained what happened to Martha and she couldn't help but gasps;"did you know his name".

Martha ask in a haste,she didn't know the man's name nor did she know where he was going to;"i don't know anything about him,i just helped him out that all".

Martha opened her mouth in disbelief,she thought and she would ask for his name or something but who knew that her friend wouldn't do that;was she afraid of her uncle or what.