confession (part 2)

kyle got back a little late and he frowned when he met all the lights in the mansion off,he walked inside with curiosity;was she asleep.

did she think he wouldn't come home,he was about walking upstairs when he saw an arrow pointing somewhere;he followed it immediately and he got more curious when he saw more with some words on them.

"you are like a therapy to me,i don't want to ever loose you".

"trusting me is what i want,all i want is your love".

kyle felt his heart skip a beat seeing the words written on a beautiful paper,his father didn't tell him it was going to be colorful and romantic like this;he entered the garden and his eyes widened.

it was so beautiful from where one stood,its flowers held some lights on them making it glow;kyle smiled because this garden had been his favorite resting place but ever since his father got married to Juliet.he hated coming here because it brought back so much painful memories that he wished to forget forever,he walked and saw a figure in a white dress looking so gorgeous as ever and he quickly walked up to her;"you are so beautiful".

ama blushed but she still had to do this,she brought out a rose and gave it to him with a message;kyle looked at her with so much admiration in his eyes.

"you mean this",ama quickly nodded and he smiled;she loved him just the way he loved her too.

he held her waist as he snapped his fingers,flowers began falling on them and ama's lips parted as she was left in awe;kyle used this opportunity to kiss her.

her lips tasted like strawberries,ama responded to his kiss with the same intensity;he broke the kiss looking into her eyes.

"father said we should give him a grandchild",ama said as she snuggled into his arms;"should we work on that".

he asked immediately he lifted her up,the flowers were making the garden look like a fairytale;a thought suddenly got into his head and he looked at her.

"how did you get in here,i always make sure it is locked",ama bit her lips as she didn't know how to explain to him;"i took it from your drawer when your dad told me about it,i am sorry".

kyle smiled as he pecked her lips,"you are my wife so you can do anything,i love you";his assistant watched from far waiting for his boss order.

he remaimed there until he saw his boss wave his hand,he turned the plane around and it flew away;ama was still in kyle's hand as they went inside the mansion.

"do you really Want us to be one",ama quickly nodded her head;"i can't really wait for a wedding that is five days away".

kyle chuckled because it was true,he was having a hard time sleeping on the same bed with her but what could he do;his wife had to stay in the same room with him.

walking up the stairs,he asked a question;"is my stepmother around".ama shook her head as she was also curious what Juliet was upto,she knew the woman was no good but she wanted to know what she was upto.