Chapter 1: Requiem

Chapter 1: Requiem

Edith was fully healed soon after the battle ended. Him, Erida and Necro, his twin sister in the second life, unfused.

"*Cough**Cough**Cough* God…I hate it when we're fused…" Necro muttered, "...*Cough**Cough**Cough*"

Necro and Edith were known as 'Demonkin' in the world of Ixtal, both heterochromic with their left eye being a shining neon-green and the right being fiery red. They had a pulsing dark purple horn at the very front of their heads and black fluffy fox-like ears. At their lower back was a long bushy black fox tail, spanning about half a metre in length.

The two were doll-like in both appearance and texture, their skin appeared to be made from cloth and cotton, soft and fluffy to the touch as if they were cotton-stuffed. Their pupils were buttons, though their sclera was indeed human. Their faces were both oval shaped. Their petite mouths and noses all appeared human as well.

Edith's short dark hair was combed to the side with the back pointed upwards and the front completely flat. He usually wore a long back coat with a white tank top beneath it, coupled with jeans the same colour as his coat. He didn't care much for his appearance, all he cared about was finding his real sister and going home. It was a task he set upon himself sixteen years ago when he was first reincarnated. He never smiled, he hasn't all his life. Necro always tried to cheer him up by trying to be the sister he lost for him, but he didn't even acknowledge her, for he lost all his happiness and caringness long ago. He was indeed a morbid person, and had a dark personality. Necro was the complete opposite.

Necro's rose was coloured pure white, embedded just below her collarbone and enclosed within the same container as Edith's. She was a kindhearted girl with a sympathy for the less fortunate. Her purity and innocence was enough to brighten anyone's day…except Edith's. In spite of all this, she had a fiery temper and absolutely detested any form of violence and conflict.

She usually wore a dark blue sweater with a red scarf around her neck, coupled with a long pair of dark tights. She was almost the same height as her twin brother, only shorter by an inch.

She and Edith were fused together for the first fifteen years of their life, but after reaching a certain age they split-their species was known as 'Yuranix,' people born with two consciousnesses instead of just one. They were only found in the Underworld and feared by those living in the Overworld. Their pulsing horn keeps them in touch with each other no matter the distance.

Necro loved Edith more than anything and only wished for him to be happy again and recognize her as his twin sister…although she knew her wish was never going to be granted. Despite that, she never gives up hope that one day it will happen.

Erida Marionette was their familiar. Created by the familiar known as 'Hypnotising Pleasure,' Est, who was also Alastor's main servant, she was tasked with aiding them whenever necessary. Be it for protection, company or healing, she was always ready.

She was a short girl who always wore a monotone look on her face and only spoke when she saw it fit. Her hair was long, white in colour, and reached down to her lower back. Her skin was even paler than the twins'. She had a cute round face with oval shaped fiery large eyes, with her tiny pupils being plain white in colour. Just above her right eye, a white five-petalled flower appeared to be stitched on. Both her hands looked scaly, and her finger nails looked like claws…but smaller than Edith's. Her flawless skin was covered by a short dress reaching only down to the middle of her thighs, from below that she wore stockings, and long black boots covered up her feet. Her outfit was a black dress, the long sleeves started from below her shoulders, and had dozens of feathers coming out of the openings. Below that, a black rose enclosed within a little spherical glass container appeared to be embedded into her chest, the rose was identical to her master's. Her breasts were size 'B,' and stuck out a little from behind the clothing. On her head, she wore a large dark sun hat, which in the front, was covered with pure white flowers.

She was the first person Edith spoke to that was not from Earth on that fateful day…

After recovering from the fusion, Necro shot to her feet and shot daggers toward Edith. Marching up to him, she slapped him hard on his cheek and started yelling like she usually did,


"..." Edith only glared at her, not saying a word as she went on,

"You killed them…so, so horrendously…! Do you have any conscience?! Just look at what you did to them! I understand that they attacked you first and that you HAD to kill them, but you did it so violently…" Tears swiftly made their way into her sockets, "...How could you do such a thing?! A-and you could have spared the familiar at least…! They don't have to be killed!? You're such an idiot! You're so stupid! A monster!"

"..." He continued glowering at her, but still said nothing in his defence. He saw no point in doing so, as he knew any further statement would do nothing against such a stubborn girl.

"A-and to think you used to be such an innocent and loveable boy...what the hell happened to you that made you this way in the first place…?! I know your sister is missing, but that doesn't mean you have to be so violent…!" Her voice dropped to a whisper after her last words. It was those words that triggered him to respond.

His voice was hoarse and gravely, he sounded older than he actually was.

"You of all people should know that, Necro." Edith monotonically stated, then he looked to Erida,

"How far are we from the Overworld?"

Erida came to his side and pointed east, where the entrance/exit to the area was,

"The Overworld is located seven miles to the east, master. If we travel by foot, we should make it there in exactly two hours and fifteen minutes, including time taken for the elimination of any unwanted companies."

"Good." He took a step forward, "Let's hurry, it's best if we're not here any longer than we need to be."

"Yes, master." Erida followed and Necro stayed in place, grumbling at how idiotic her twin brother was.

"H-how should I know what caused you to be like this?! You NEVER let me look at your memories, and you NEVER talk about your past! So how should I know what did this to you?! EDITH!!!" She ran to his side and punched his right arm, "You're such an idiot! Hey! Talk to me!"

He ignored her completely. In fact, he didn't even feel the punch because of his dragon arm…and because of how physically weak Necro was.

"UGH!" She surrendered, "You're always like this…why don't you ever talk to me?"

"Because." Erida replied, "You're annoying. You are a nuisance to my master, don't you see that, Necro Marionette? You are nobody in his mind, just an empty husk barking at him from a distance."

"..." She pretended she didn't hear that and focused on Edith.

"Brother…" 'Why won't you ever recognize me?' The tears welling in her eyes are not out of sympathy for those he killed, but out of sadness for the lack of recognition she so desperately wanted.

She reached out for his right arm to hold his hand, even if it was still a claw, but hesitated and reeled back. Looking down, he held onto her own arm,

"You're such an idiot…" She murmured under her breath.


Two hours passed since they set out for the exit. Finally, something came up. A large door about seven metres in height and five metres in width formed within their view. Behind it were all mountains, it was as if they had reached the very edge of the Underworld.

The area was pitch black with little to no life. The air was heavy and pressed down upon the trio and reeked of the dead-although they were already used to this.

They neared the door with caution, carefully scanning their surroundings for any attackers. To their surprise, none had appeared during the journey.

"Hold it." Suddenly, Edith stopped. He looked straight ahead, "Something's wrong."

"Huh? What's up?" Necro questioned. They were just in front of the door in the midst of a perfect circular ground, covered with nothing but black rock.

"Erida." Edith sternly commanded, pushing Necro behind him, "Scan the area for any life forms."

"Yes master." And Erida did. Erida looked around and abruptly locked her gaze straight ahead of her at the pathway leading to the exit.

Without a word, she held her right arm out and channelled her mana directly onto the palm. A single incantation was uttered from under her breath as her aura grew fierce and visible sparks were seen emitting from her little body,

"Blood Moon." Then she threw both arms toward the sky and a giant orb formed directly above the targeted section.

"Erida! W-what're you doing?!" Necro yelled, shocked.

"You don't know?" Erida said, "Have you not noticed that we've been ambushed?"


"..." Erida gave her a look which blatantly said, 'You are pathetic.'

Immediately, Erida threw her arms down and a pulsing red beam which lit up the entire dark sky shot from the sky, deleting everything in its path. It made contact with the ground and completely eradicated the pathway. Edith heard three individuals scream out in pain, and two others shouting, "RUN! GET OUT OF THE BLAST!"

An immense shockwave nearly knocked the two disciples off balance and the air heated to unbearable temperatures. When the blast ended, Erida sprinted forward and drew her blade, one identical to Edith's and sliced the air. A grunt was heard and the severed head of a male Death Disciple fell to the ground, his final expression being one of utter dismay.

Another slice-and a female was slew. Their familiars along with them. Then she jumped back, holding out her arm and shouting out, "Dispel!"

Five Death Disciples out of the blue formed just ahead of the trio; they appeared to have previously used Invisibility to conceal themselves. None of them looked startled, all of them were fused.

"Pretty slick familiar you've got there, eh, Edith?" Death Disciple #1 irritatingly blurted out, "As expected of an Elite."

"Grr…" Necro was the only one flabbergasted, as she alone didn't notice their concealed auras.

"So you knew we were coming?" Edith questioned.

"It was blatantly obvious this was where you were headed. We heard what you did to the other Disciple who fought you."


"And I have to say…I'm impressed. If it were me, I would've just killed them on the spot and left them be. But to dispose of the bodies in such a horrendous manner…you Marionettes truly are monsters. Some of us here even hold a grudge."

"..." Edith quickly drew his Marionette Harvester, Necro quickly summoned her claw-a white version of Edith's and held her mage's staff-readying herself for a battle she was not prepared for.

Death Disciple #2, a female, swiftly bobbed her head while glaring,

"You're going to pay for what you did to Lola, filthy Marionettes! She was such a sweet girl…how could you do something like that to her?! Crushing her head with that stupid grin on your face…How would you like it if someone did that to you?!"

"That can't happen to me." Edith calmly replied, "That girl was weak, just another disposable pawn of Achlys sent to kill us. You all are too. If you don't back down here and now, I will kill all of you, including your familiars, and devour your souls so you won't ever see the light of day again."

"Nnrng…" She held her longsword with an even fiercer grip, "...I won't ever let you touch her! She's the only person who I can call family I have left, I won't let you separate us!" Her body started shaking and Edith sensed her and her familiar were exchanging words.

Necro looked at her, filled with pity, she said to her brother,

"Edith, I don't think we should kill her…"

"Doesn't matter." He hurriedly replied, "If we don't, then it will be a violation of commandment #6 and #7. I thought you knew that by now, Necro."

"B-but still…you and Alastor talk, right? Maybe you can-"


"Uuuuu…" Necro sniffled. She gazed at the Disciple, wishing she didn't have to die. But Necro knew that her death was inevitable.


"No more setbacks, Erida, what are their ranks?"

"All Elites, including the familiars, Master." Erida quickly responded.

"Looks like it'll be tough then…" He suddenly shot a glance toward Necro's white rose, all five petals remained, and all seven remained on his.

"...Fuse the moment you're down to three."

"Y-yes…" Necro shyly muttered. After, he shot a glance toward Erida,

"Fuse with me."

"Yes, Master."


No one had struck yet, Edith and Erida, together, calculated the perfect plan of attack. Erida pointed out who was the weakest and suggested they went after him first. But Edith figured that'd be just what the Death Disciples hoped for-so instead, they decided to go after the strongest. He readied his blade and threw it toward the strongest, channelling his teleportation ability through his veins.

"RRRAAAAH!" The sword ended up behind him in mid-air and Edith disappeared in a cloud of smoke-Although the disciple he aimed for already knew that would be his first move.

As soon as Edith reappeared he swiped toward Death Disciple #3's head, but he ducked and rolled back-countering with a bolt of lightning from his palms.

"Thunder!" It rapidly shot toward Edith's chest and hit-however, the mana was completely absorbed into his own.

"Grr…" He grumbled, seeing that magic was completely ineffective.

Edith's next move was to once again teleport forward, but this time he dissipated his sword and focused on his claw. Shouting at Necro, he commanded,


"Y-Yes!!" Necro held her staff outward and focused quickening magic onto her brother,

"Accelerate: Quick as the Wind!" Edith's movements sped up ten fold and he appeared behind Death Disciple #3 in a blink of an eye-this time striking for his upper back.

"GFAW-" His claws dug straight into his back and touched the spinal cord, putting even more force into the attack-he snapped it in two.

"AAA….AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH-" The man went limp on the ground and without wasting any time, Edith lifted him by the head directly in front of the four remaining disciples.

"Watch and learn." He collectively stated. Right there, he crushed the disciple's head in. Blue-red veins splashed onto Edith's already blood stained face, some in his hair and some on his lips. The brain was smashed into a million squishy pink pieces and stained his black cloak. The young boy's blood bathed Edith's entire body in red as the lifeless frame fell to the ground.

A dark cloud encircled the corpse and his familiar appeared beside the corpse, she was bleeding from the nose, ears and eyes and was shaking from head to toe.

"Y-you monster…" She whimpered, "...You…so this is the master of Alastor's main servant, Est Marionette…you…you really are a monster…"

"..." Edith said nothing as he grabbed the familiar by the head and jerked her into the air with his left arm.

"AACK-" From there, he summoned his Marionette Harvester in the right hand and plunged it into her neck, where he forced his way through her windpipe and sliced to the left. She was then lifeless, her body gently swayed left and right as it was attached to her neck by only a thread. All the red ooze she had collected from her neck upward all came gushing out at once, dying the ground beneath them in murky, sticky red. He then dropped the body to the ground and stuck his sword into her chest. A loud crack was heard as her ribcage was shattered.

There, both his eyes turned black, even the sclera was the colour of a devil.

"Your soul is mine now, Elite Familiar Yuna." He sent his energy into the blade and sucked up the familiar's soul through an invisible smoke. He sensed the familiar's power, energy and soul fusing with his own, and right then and there, he forcefully made her his.

"I am your master now, you must do whatever I say, otherwise a terrible punishment will be your reward."

"Y-Yes…master…" Death Familiar Yuna, now turned Marionette Familiar, reluctantly obliged.

His eyes fell upon the remaining four, all of whom were disgusted by his actions.

"EVERYONE! SPREAD OUT! DON'T LET YOUR GUARD DOWN!" Death Disciple #1 ordered. The four spread out and formed a semicircle. Necro sprinted behind her brother and chanted,

"Oh dear Goddess, please lend us, your loyal subjects, your strength to overcome this hardship." At that exact moment, Edith, Erida and Necro were all strengthened and their mana levels were boosted.


Two out of five Disciples remained-but only one familiar was absorbed. The other stood her ground and fought valiantly against the murderous Marionette Disciple who was Edith. Necro supported him from the rear-Edith ensured that she wasn't being targeted by being as fierce as possible.

But soon, that failed.





"NECRO!" His eyes darted over to the girl, who had been knocked to the ground with her left hand and sliced off by said familiar. Another Disciple, Death Disciple #2, the girl Necro wanted to spare, threw her sword into her shoulder and broke Necro's elbow.


A third petal was broken and gently floated to the bottom of the pendant.

"Y-You bastard!! L-leave my sister alone!!" Edith started sprinting over to Necro. But she continuously shook her head in a panic.


"Shut your mouth!"

"ACK-" Death Disciple #2 kicked Necro's shin. Some of her teeth shattered and she bled from the mouth.

"GRRR…" Edith continued his sprint, about to use his teleportation…but it was too late.

The whole thing was a distraction in an attempt to strike him down.

"...!" Edith stopped dead in his tracks and looked down.


"M-master…" A dark cloud surrounded the boy and Erida was sent out of him with a hole in her chest. She was barely standing, terribly injured. Edith rapidly felt his strength draining, he'd been stabbed clean through the chest, even through his ribcage. Just barely, did the blade avoid his heart.

He collapsed to his knees and held onto his pendant. Only four petals, out of seven remained.

"Hah, now we've got you." Death Disciple #1 said. He went over to the boy and lifted Erida by the head.

"M-master…" She was about to heal him but the disciple stopped her, "...nnrng…"

"NO! ERIDA!" He managed to yell, but the wound caused him to collapse to the ground, held up by only his claw.

"Now…this is for all the disciples you have killed…goodbye, Marionette Familiar!"


"...!" Right there, Death Disciple #1 dropped Erida to the ground and held his sword to her neck. In an instant, he sliced, and off went Erida's head.

"N-No…" Erida's head rolled over to Edith's panic-stricken face. He watched as her body fell to the ground and promptly started bleeding out right before his eyes.

To him, the unthinkable happened once again. But before he could process the whole situation, he heard Necro scream out.


"N-Necro…" Death Disciple #2 sliced off Necro's left arm, then kicked her chest until she fell. She was then stabbed through the stomach rapidly, her petals gradually falling until only one single petal remained.

A pool of blood formed beneath the girl, her skin was completely battered and minced. She sent Edith a horrified look and held out her arm,

"F-Fuse…" Her voice was barely audible. Before the final blow was dealt, a dark mist surrounded her and went to Edith, where she fused into him.

Edith watched as she grounded and cried within his body, her cries gave him a fury he hadn't felt since his final moments in his previous life.

He forced himself to stand, with the support of his blade and watched the remaining three opponents.

"Gnn…" He was losing-that much was obvious. He could summon, but he had to find the right moment…and without Erida, his mana reserves were dramatically less. Two had their familiars, and the final familiar was half-dead. He was obviously on the losing side of the battle.

Death Disciple #1 lunged at him, Edith blocked. A second attack to the head and a third to the legs, he blocked them all. Death Disciple #2 attacked from behind, he sidestepped and sliced toward her head, he sliced her left cheek open.

"Ack-" The first disciple attacked him from the side, coupled with the familiar shooting a giant whirlwind toward him. He ducked the attack and teleported three metres away, where he held out his free hand,

"Absorb!" The whirlwind launched itself toward the boy and fully dissipated.

He teleported to the familiar then grabbed its neck.

"Nnrng…l-let go of me!"

"No, never, I'm killing you, you're gonna be mine now."


"I don't fucking care, you're mine now whether you like it or not!"

"NOOO!!!!" He crunched her throat and ripped it out with his bare hand. Her neck broke open and blood gushed out. Her bloodied windpipe was dropped to the ground, then his eyes turned pure black.

"This will heal me…you are mine now, you must obey me. Otherwise fierce punishment will follow suit, Death Familiar Azel." He stabbed his sword into her chest and forced her soul to join with his.

Azel didn't say a word after being absorbed, it sounded more like she was violently sobbing as her soul healed him. Thanks to absorption, he regained two petals, so six out of seven remained. The wound in his chest was almost fully sealed, and his mana reserves increased. Edith was back on his feet.

He stopped using his Marionette Harvester for balance and drew it against the two final Death Disciples.

Summoning would inevitably help, so he plunged his sword into the ground beneath him.

"I summon thee…" He uttered. A giant deep black pentagram covered the entire area around him,

"N-no!! Stop him! He mustn't be allowed to summon!" Death Disciple #1 started to lunge forward. Death Disciple #2 followed suit.

"...Yuna Marionette. Come to my aid, destroy all my opponents! Make sure they never see the light of day!"

"NO!!!" The pentagram blocked any Death Disciple from entering.

From the midst of the devilish symbol, a single girl appeared. She was short, about the height of Erida. An Elite Familiar, one of the most powerful Celestial Beings out there. Formerly a Death Familiar, now part of the Marionette Faction. Yuna Marionette, the same one Edith killed just moments before.

Her long luscious black hair flowed down to the middle of her back and was evenly combed to the side at the top of her head. Her skin was pale, smooth and unlike any Marionette Disciple's-it was identical to human flesh. Her beady eyes changed colour from deep blue to both green and fiery red, to match her master's. Her face was oval shaped, her gorgeous slender body covered by a long black gown with the mark of a Black Rose eternally embedded into her upper chest, just above her little breasts.

When she fully materialised, she turned toward the boy, her face covered with tears. She wept, she didn't want to fight for him. She preferred death over being his familiar.

"You force me to fight against my own so soon?"

"Yes." He sternly, furiously replied, "Destroy them. Don't hold anything back. You are mine now, you belong to me, Yuna Marionette."

She hated being called by the name 'Marionette.' Tears flowed down her cheeks faster than a river as she acknowledged him,

"As you wish, Master Edith Marionette."

Yuna Marionette then hovered off the ground. Death Disciple #1 and #2 stopped and watched her, pleading with her not to do this. She had no choice however.

When she was high enough, she hovered just above her master and held out both her arms, conjuring as much mana as possible into her attack.

"Goodbye, my friends…Blood Moon." To ensure they didn't escape the blast, Yuna constricted them within an unbreakable chain, unbreakable only because of Edith's and her power combined.

"Y-Yuna! You don't have to do this!" Death Disciple #1 pleaded, his familiar was cast out of his body. She pleaded with her, which broke Yuna's heart.

"Please, Yuna! Think about all the memories we've made together!" Death Disciple #2 shouted, her familiar was also cast out.

"Yuna!" Death Disciple #2's familiar shouted, "Please, I don't want to die! Don't follow his orders! We're your friends!!!" Then she looked at her master and sobbed.

"This really is the end…" Death Disciple #2 whimpered. She looked at her familiar and was at least glad they'd be dying together, as partners.

"...Goodbye. I love you." She whispered. Her familiar sobbed even harder,

"I love you too, Master!!" They couldn't even hug because of the chains tied around them.

Then the blast came. Everything in sight was wiped out, the familiars and disciples all eradicated with not a bone in sight. It was as if they were never there in the first place. All the corpses, all the blood, all the rocks, everything was wiped clean off the face of the world. All except for Edith and Yuna.

When it was all over, Yuna slowly floated to the only section that wasn't destroyed, a small patch of land by the exit.

She fell to her knees and stared in distress at her work.

"What have I done?" She dejectfully whispered, "My friends…my dear, dear friends…they're all gone…"

Edith had just absorbed the wandering souls of both familiars when he approached her from behind.

"Get up." He commanded, grabbing her by the arm. She pulled away and shouted,

"No! At least give me time to grieve, you can't be this heartless!"

"We have no time." He monotonically stated, "Necro and I don't want to be here any longer than we should. Now stop talking and get to your feet."

"..." She was stunned beyond measure by how uncaring Edith was.

"...Okay, master…" She stood to her feet and tried to hold it in…but she couldn't. Yuna intensely wept for her lost companions. She was permanently scarred by the fact that she was the one who killed them. She wished she didn't previously have to fight for the Death Faction. For it was because of that, she was forced into fighting Edith, Necro and Erida.

Edith felt unbothered by the sins he committed that day. He only saw it as progress. Progress that was vital to finding his lost sister and reuniting with her. That was the only thing he wanted, and the only reason he continued onward.

Edith opened the door to the exit and an intense bright light encircled them both. Then…afterwards…everything went blank.