Tony's Family in danger

As the night grew darker, the tension among the remaining mafia bosses continued to escalate. Each one of them knew that the situation was getting out of control, and they were all wary of each other's intentions.

Tony had just returned to his safe house after being involved in the hit on one of the other mafia bosses. He was still trying to come to terms with what had just happened. He had always known that being a part of the mafia was dangerous, but he had never been involved in such a brutal killing before.

As he entered his room, he saw that his phone was buzzing with multiple missed calls and messages. He quickly checked them and saw that they were all from his wife, who was panicking about their safety. Tony knew that his wife was aware of his involvement with the mafia, but he had always tried to keep her away from any danger.

He tried to call her back, but she didn't answer. Tony's heart began to race, and he knew that something was wrong. He grabbed his gun and rushed out of his safe house.

As he drove towards his home, Tony's mind raced with all sorts of scenarios. He feared that his wife might have been kidnapped, or worse, killed. He couldn't bear the thought of losing her, especially after what he had just been through.

Finally, he arrived at his house and saw that the door was slightly ajar. His heart sank as he pushed it open and found his wife lying on the ground, unconscious. He rushed to her side and saw that she had been beaten badly.

Tears welled up in Tony's eyes as he held his wife in his arms. He knew that he had brought this danger into their lives, and he couldn't forgive himself for it. He knew that he had to protect his wife and find the person responsible for this.

With a renewed sense of determination, Tony set out to find the person responsible for attacking his wife. He knew that he would have to take matters into his own hands and seek revenge, even if it meant going against his fellow mafia bosses.

The thought of going against the mafia sent shivers down Tony's spine, but he knew that he had no other choice. He had to protect his family at all costs, even if it meant sacrificing everything else.