In which Cecilia wants to make Serpent embrace the great scarlet wave within him or have another heir to Demosthenes' power kill him, thus reviving the Lord of the Great Scarlet Wave. But she is killed by another candidate, Dmitrii Blinov , who copied Serpent 's power of Dominance .

With the help of Yoko, Julius and Arikado , Serpent goes after Blinov who, trying to acquire powers like Serpent 's , ends up losing control and becoming a giant monster called Menace . Then Serpent defeats the creature and returns home to that medieval galactic realm called Larivtusisus , after the nation's defeat in the Two Hundred Years' War.

With the kingdom divided by lines of nobility, where the great noble families like House Beoulve , rule unimpeded over the peasant masses of that dimension, in which the world was divided between fiefs and an aristocratic organization, in the midst of which these aristocratic classes .

Being that they hold much of the real power of the empire planet, which was a peasant and feudal system of a monarchy, with its lords ruling directly. the provinces of the royalty of Larivtusisus as if they were their fiefs, while the monarchy is increasingly weakened by the growing intrigues, infighting between the royal houses.

The real power holder in Larivtusisus is The Sect of Agladious , which was based on the Messianic guardian deity Ajora . Agladious , in which its military arm, when the Guardians of the Temples, in which through manipulation and conspiracy, The sect controls everyone behind the scenes to create chaos in Larivtusisus .

It was then, to subjugate the secular powers, where, however, the sect's conspiracies are really just a front for a far more sinister plan that threatens even the very existence of the entire galactic realm.

In the meantime, with the emergence of the sect of Zeta - Mu, which begins to plot and seize power, while converting other beings in its ranks.

Two independent armies, the Northern Galactic Order led by Duke Bestrald Larg , brother of Queen Louveria Atkasucka , and the Southern Galactic Order led by Duke Druksmald Goltanna , are rival forces fighting for control of the monarchy; both hoping to obtain possession of King Ondoria 's successor sons , Atkasucka III.

What was it like to use them as puppets to rule Larivtusisus , when the king has two successors: his teenage half-sister Princess Ovelia and their newborn son Prince Orinus Atkasucka , when the princess, taking refuge in the monastery of Orbonne , is targeted by Galactic Forces.

Ronzum , a mercenary under the command of the greedy Goffard Fagarigonsun , is hired to protect Ovelia in conjunction with her bodyguards, led by Agrias Oaks, when the mercenaries and bodyguards defeat the forces sent by the Northern Galactic Sector; however, the princess is kidnapped by Latidaris Heiral , Ronzum 's old friend . When Ronzum sees Latidaris , a long flashback begins that takes up much of the first chapter on the planet.

A year earlier, Ronzum and Latidaris were childhood friends and cadets of the Northern Galactic Order. Ronzum is the third child of House Beoulve , while Latidaris and her sister, Tietra Heiral , were commoners in the service of the family. The two friends studied at Gariland 's Magic Planet Academy .

With Larivtusisus ' defeat in the Two Hundred Years' War, soldiers returning from battle could not be paid, which created general dissatisfaction with the nobility and sparked rebellions across the Galactic Realm, such as the Corpse Uprising. Brigade in Ronzum 's Home Duchy .

In which Gallionne , when the Guardians try to attack Gariland , the Academy students are sent to fight them, and Ronzum and Latidaris lead the group to victory. Afterwards, they return to House Beoulve 's seat of power , Castle Eagrose .

On the way, Ronzum 's group encounters a lone squire surrounded by the forces of the Corpse Guardians. They save him and discover his name is Argath Thedsunis , a noble servant of Marquis Messam Elmdore —a marquis who was captured by the Guardians, upon arriving at the Castle, Argath asks Ronzum 's older brother for help .

With the cold Cedygad Beoulve , who went on to rule Gallionne with his other brother, Zalbaag Beoulve , since his father, Barnabeth Beoulve , died. Despite Argath's reckless manner , Cedygad says he will do what he can to save Elmdore and orders Ronzum to stay at the Castle as a guard.

While Ronzum visits his sister, Maral Beoulve , Zalbaag appears and strategically leaves a tip that could lead to the Marquis' whereabouts, indirectly suggesting that Ronzum investigate.

Ronzum 's group then heads to the Trading Planet of Dorter , where they briefly encounter Corpse Guardians leader Wiegraf . Folles , interrogating one of his own members, in which Wiegraf , having obtained the information he was looking for, goes his way, while some Guardian soldiers try to stop Ronzum 's group from advancing.

The soldiers are defeated and one of their members, the pack leader, is captured and beaten by Argath until the Marquis' location is revealed. Upon arriving at this location, with the Sandrats ' Hold - the group finds Wiegraf arguing and then killing one of his officers, Gustav Madriff . Wiegraph _

being against kidnapping the Marquis, believing it to be a dishonorable ploy, and offering Elmdore in exchange for his life, an offer which Ronzum accepts, with Elmdore safe, Ronzum travels back to Eagrose , where he finds Cedygad very angry at what has happened.

what he did know, however, is that Elmdore was one of the Southern Galactic Order's sympathizers and that Cedygad was actually manipulating Gustav to overthrow one of his political enemies.

As Ronzum 's group faces off against a group of Corpse Guardians led by Wiegraf 's sister Milleuda Folles , another squad of Guardians led by Throgaroth Levigne directly attacks Castle Eagrose , severely injuring Cedygad , in which he nearly captures Maral hostage.

When Zalbaag rescues his half-sister Maral , in her place Throgaroth kidnaps the family's commoner friend Tietra , thinking she belongs to the nobility, at which a wounded Cedygad swears not to retaliate as the Guardians threaten to kill her. Tietra vida, but Argath , deeply despised commoners.

Even though he expresses his disapproval and argues with Latidaris . Ronzum sides with his childhood friend and banishes Argath from his group, so together, Ronzum and Latidaris set out to rescue Tietra , sharing a brief moment watching the sun set over the Mandalia Alliance's galaxies on the way.

While looking for Latidaris ' sister , the group is reunited with Milleuda , who had been spared in the last battle, though not seen as an enemy, she refuses to back down, and the group is forced to kill her.

When Wiegraf 's group , owned by Tietra , is found in a mill in the Galaxies of the Fovoham alliance . Wiegraf wishes to free her, but upon learning of his sister's death, decides to face Ronzum 's group along with his chocobo , Boco , in an attempt to avenge Milleuda and also buy enough time for his allies to escape.

The Guardians' leader is defeated and flees abandoning his revolution to inevitable defeat, while Throgaroth , fearing for his own life, captures Tietra and flees to Fort Ziekden with Ronzum's group in pursuit.

Despite Cedygad 's promise not to retaliate, Zalbaag leads an attack on the Keep and orders his new soldier, Argath , to shoot Throgaroth , who holds Tietra as a human shield, to which Argath obeys without hesitation and mortally wounds them both. seeing the In the scene, Latidaris immediately departs for Argath's attack , accompanied by Ronzum . Together, the two kill their former ally .