The life of each one, made life easier for each of those involved, which made life easier for the scammers...
That's what he pointed out and that in this case pointed evidence in this man, showing that he killed the two women who would be his accomplices in the attempts to murder their husbands..., and a lot of money.
This was also the case with Débora, they thought she was a possible file burning...
Meanwhile, elsewhere...
A few kilometers ahead, there was a shady market in the middle of the Old Town, which they weren't interested in getting involved in, they wanted to create trouble, mostly head jokes...
Those who were the crazy ones, who didn't want to profit, wanted the chaos and challenges of the riot, when, himself, who started to get involved in it, to investigate some crimes that today came out of the purview of Lovecraft County...
It was in the space of a week that at least 4 ships sank with migrants crossing the Mediterranean, when some men who were involved in the negotiations, who were supposed to meet with these intermediaries in question...
It was in a matter of days or even weeks, which went in a direction that was not even far from North Africa towards Europe, from a time of greatest need for some people...
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) estimates that around 2,000 people died on the way, a number that will likely far exceed last year's 3,200, but let's face it, it's much, much more...
Someone there directly involved in the migration sector...
The number is still much higher than the 96 recorded in 2014, and it all boiled down to stipulating a number, that this number was not real...
Even so, amid the business between Jonas, Carl and Tsukino Miki Hikaru, they handed over the properties, selling way below the price in exchange for their help, which was a month later... even over criticism...
What they didn't know was that Jonas came from a traditional and prejudiced family that didn't accept his homosexuality, even if the business was the land in exchange for their help.
It wasn't just that he was admitted to a clinic, but they dealt with import, and with that they negotiated, however, in which one of those involved like Tsukino Miki Hikaru and the other covered up his scheme and he sold the shares to the men.
That was a clinic where they believed they should cure him, during the years he was hospitalized, when his family thought he was crazy and that's why he couldn't sign anything...
Originally, he would have never left there, died inside the clinic, and thrown away the key, before he could meet the woman at a party, however, in which his wife was pushed by Tsukino . Miki Hikaru towards Jonas., who accepted the plan to turn himself in to a scammer, knew what she wanted, meanwhile creating rumors.
Meanwhile, when his family made a deal with Debora to keep him in line, Tsukino Miki Hikaru and her friends made a plan to get her freedom, knowing that her parents died of cancer, both of whom would die within the space of a year. to the other of a difference of 2 years.
It all boiled down to convincing them to do the treatment at home, what Jonas convinced was to give them medicine that was nothing more than palliative, he didn't kill them, but he also pretended to help them, avoiding going to chemotherapy.
In the meantime, when Jonas married Brenda, 1 year after the death of both parents, they signed their papers.
It was a difference of six months after his wife's affair ended, that he moved in with Heron, and they were married a year later.
Well, months before the murders, Heron was having an affair with Jonas...
When, in that period, they moved to another mansion ... but Deborah stopped them...
Turns out that's why when they asked Tsukino for help Miki Hikaru and Brenda...
The lands, and the insurance company, now had a new partner, and it was Tsukino Miki Hikaru Delphos Kamisama ...
When, he got what he wanted so much, in those lands near the railroad...
Walking around in the meantime that place was, in a ghost town in Texas...
They sold it to him, shortly after his death...
What happens in the middle of the months from January to April, when the weather is still not favorable and the waters are more agitated, but that does not prevent them from falling and some localized rain, filling the rivers and springs that have dried up for a long time and with that become food for the fish...
According to the data he collected, this was pretty accurate, because he had access to the papers that kept a list of names, and who paid for the so-called Big Fish ...
There were vines and stairs beside his damn cruel wife's window, but either way...
Meanwhile, where Jonas' lover visited him along with Tsukino Miki Hikaru, when he went to have his surgery, and before they left, they'd arranged their alibis, and Brenda killed his late wife's bird and walked in just as the servants were released. her duties at night, and so when she was sleeping, when she killed her.
Which was a huge number, and far more than 30,000 people have already made the trip in 2015, compared to 36,000 at the end of April last year, but with a death toll about 15 times higher so far.
When, in the course of the investigation, he managed to embezzle all that money while they were investigating the crime of Jonas' wife...
What happened in that year, in that period, what happened in 2013, there was a total of approximately 700 deaths, but they paid in advance was the only way to not accept it for later...
I was investigating and finding that there were some documents, and other records kept there, and a lot of data, your notebooks...
He found what he wanted, the logbook.
Meanwhile, when in the midst of investigations, when he got this priest exiled to a certain island...
That period in question, heading towards the tunnel, when he saw the international news, and he this priest exiled his true purpose...
There, there were big letters...
Using a hidden transport, there was a boat with more than 700 people that sank off the coast of Libya, it was more than a clandestine illegal transport ship, which Tsukino Miki Hikaru knew how to use this to his advantage, he knew from the moment of certainty of events.
It was during this period that he could see how the experience worked in his vision...
When he was a friend and with a friend, when he followed the process in matters...
Knowing the rescue missions, they only showed up after the boat sank.
Among the European Commission defines a plan to alleviate the crisis of immigrants and it was not easy, simply the flight of immigrants coincided with the war, there was the choice, stay and fight, cower and flee.