When, he realized upon receiving a message, fifteen minutes after a warning that his computers had been hacked and hacked, he ran towards the computer, anyone would despair when the Pentagon's computer was hacked.

Again, when he kept using whatever means he could at that moment, and the map indicated and literally flew all over Europe to Ukraine and didn't stop there anywhere...

While the damn machine the hacker sent the middle finger drawing to him.

I arrived in Moscow...

- What did they break in?

At that time, the man called his superior...

- And what did they steal...? - I wanted to meet your superior...

Fat man in his fifties with a beer belly.

- Accounts... - Said one of the technicians...

– What types of accounts? – I wanted to know a third party.

- Accounts of millionaire men. - Said.

- Some millionaire man...? - He asked.

- Not just any account... - He said...

- They were one of the men involved in the investigation...