With the company is a corporate barrier created mainly to protect the identity and confidentiality of the real beneficiary of the company, in which he managed to transfer and know the information and negotiations of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ).

Tsukino Miki Hikaru discovered that he was responsible for spreading the information, and Sigmund Dur Gunn Lauginson , Prime Minister of Iceland, was when he had contact and exchanged information with the Prime Minister and his wife and a partner named Anna Marie Gur and her officemate Laug Sins Pálsdóttir , bought in 2006 the offshore company Winteras.

They were informants of Delphos Kamisama , in which Tsukino Miki Hikaru discovered that he had millionaire investments in three of the biggest Icelandic banks, which went bankrupt in 2018 and made financial aid deals with the government and a deal with Chapek that would benefit him, taking place in 2019, when he took over as prime minister. .