A thriving port located east of Tuviraz . Luuryares is located between the foothills of the Stone Forest, thick alliance galaxies and a coastline teeming with life, with clearly defined and colorful seasonal changes.

How many gifts from the God of Stone are hidden among your mountains?

Luuryares is one of the seven planets of the galactic alliance of Tuviraz , which is the planet-state that worships Moraxiun , the Archon Geo.

When Empire Planet amidst Monoliths of the Archon Quest takes place in this nation, with access to Luuryares unlocked after completing Archon Quest: Prologue, Act I, in which the Outlander flying with the Wind.

Progress Teaser: Tuviraz Empire Head End Progress Progress Teaser .

With the God of Contracts, slaughtered senselessly as his people watched in horror. In the end, he will sign the contract to end all contracts, in which Dainsleif , Tuviraz Chapter Main Story Teaser.