At that moment, they were surrounded, coming towards them, it was Ezekiel, coming towards the woman, with his private army, a great junction of mercenaries at his disposal.

- I'm in charge Willer, I'm the one who gives you the funds to keep the Death Squad, so I'm your boss, I'm in charge of you, and you won't have the power to do what you want. want. - said Ezekiel, handing them over, with his private army.

At that time, his agents surrendered and arrested all of the Death Squad's unconscious men, proceeding with Willer under escort to the base of operations.

- Why are you doing this? – Willer asked.

- Because he's my son. - said the man, arresting and chaining the maddened boy towards several vans that were waiting for them at that hour, following.

- Do you think I wouldn't do anything later? – Willer asked. – That I wouldn't do everything in my power to end your fame? – Willer asked.