Should he again create countless webs through each of his fingers? - So, observed Petrus, the further it went, the longer it got, the thinner it got.

That is not! - thought Kandata .

As the web was too thin, I must say, thin to support only its own weight, much less that of that column of ants.

He would surely break and his immense effort would be in vain.

Then Kandata began to shout:

- "Listen, you sinners! This spider's web is mine alone. Who said you can go up? Get out now!! Now!"

In the same instant, the spider's web, which until then had held itself perfectly, broke, even where Kandata held it. Before he could scream, Kandata , already thrown into the void, was plunged headfirst into the darkest Star of Darkness.

- Well, he's going to fall anyway. – Tsuki said.

On the shores of the Lotus Lake, Buddha watched what had happened, his face dark with pity.

Kandata had thought only of saving himself, and his lack of compassion was punished.