- Esmeraldina Guimarães Landolfi, who was a reincarnation of a sorceress of this dimension, who in exchange for joining the Um-Mu cult, sacrificed her brother, we offer riches, money, abundance and unlimited prosperity.

- What she knew was that she would take her brother's riches. – Amasteus said. - She accepted in a good way, didn't even think twice.

- Today's Lyssa, who you know, actually came more than fifty years ago, however, she was taken a few hours ago from your timeline. – Amasteus said.

- How did this happen? – Tsuki questioned.

We obtained from several informants, the information of the shift changes of the security of the movement, we invaded with everything, the condominiums, of all of these condominiums, in which they invaded the condominium of the address, Dom Jaime de Barros, Camara, 670, Cep: 09895 -400, Bl 03 Apartment 86, in addition to the condominiums, number, 675, Condominiums, Les Sens, Portal dos Clássicos, 825, Portal das Estrelas, 885.