- In my case, I choose the human, who lost everything, and with that, lost faith in humanity, the one who fought for her a long time ago, and will have her life lost for her.
- I'll use it and you'll use it. Said Tsukiyomi Miki.
The rule is to induce bets. - Said. – Summon it to a neutral location and follow the rules. - Another said.
- And if he wins to stop what we did, the souls of all of them will be mine, and I will choose him as mine. - One of them said.
- You can choose whoever you want and influence everyone there, you can use your tricks, but she can't use mine, only her own resources without powers.
You will bet me the following, within the rules...
One or more blessed souls, being pure and sinless, within a final period of seven consecutive days, without rest, may kill one or more blessed souls.
Being them, they will be free from any fear and sin, and being pure, not being induced by practice, being of spontaneous free initiative. - Said. “Only of your own free will and initiative.
- The man in question must not know the exact result of his winnings on the bet.
- If sinners kill the innocent, it won't count. - Said. — Because sinners will always kill, as long as they sin.
A sinner can influence an innocent person to kill. - Said. “And he will gain part of that innocent man's wishes.
- Both will be taken to their kingdoms, both the person who was sacrificed and the one who sacrificed them. - Said.
- Why would a blessed soul practice sin? Lucifer asked.
- For the greatest and oldest of sins. - Said the voice.
- Greed is pride, avarice is gluttony, and pride is beyond lying. - Said the voice.
Greed will be used. - We will give a wealth equal to the greed of the world. - Said. - If you win.
- And what would that be? Mammon asked.
The handsomest of men would do anything for money. Trigon said.
- The riches. - Said the voice. – I will give a value equivalent to the greed of the four richest European countries combined.
- A value that would make him a multimillionaire and no longer poor.
- Give a value... - Said your hostess.
Everyone there thought and started calling until...
- How about... - Trigon said... - That would be my contribution. - Said the red demon. – 550 billion dollars in solid gold. Trigon said.
- 330 billion euros. – Said a Lucifer.
- 700 billion dollars. - Azazel said.
– The gift of abundance and prosperity. – Mammon said.
– Forever millionaire. Neron said.
- Luck. - Said Gabriel.
- A vacation package to travel to any part of the multiverse for a year-round trip. - Said the Presence. - Without anyone or danger finding it.
- Eternal youth. said the Phantom Stranger. – For as long as you need.
- So that you lack nothing. - Said. Rafael. - Don't miss drink or food. - Said.
- So, in case he loses, no version of him in the multiverse will exist in life, he will be taken to me, and he will cease to exist completely. - said the entity.
If he fails to prevent death from arising by these means, he will be taken away and will no longer be able to reincarnate or return to any reality, any reality he lives in, his soul at any time.
If within seven days the chosen cities give in to their innermost sins and kill, during that period of time, all the inhabitants of those cities, you will be condemned to hell for each one of you.
Then they will be taken to hell and divided equally. - said the entity.
- Which cities will be chosen? – They questioned.
- Gotham, Metropolis, Central, Keystone, Gateway City, Coast City, Keystone City, Star City and finally Fawcett City.
Current moment, after the two weeks.
- Then. - Said Tsukiyomi Miki. “Besides, I won a bet. - Said Tsukiyomi Miki.
- A trip. - Said Tsukiyomi Miki.
- Do you want the money? – asked the Phantom Stranger.
Tsukiyomi Miki yomi looked enraged.
- Of course I do. - Said.
- I'll take my gap year. - Said Tsukiyomi Miki.
A mountain of gold and money and many other things appeared in front of him in the cave...
A long time ago
Ages past in a distant realm of another mystical dimension has long been torn apart by wars, being that it was the ravages of nature for some, who worshiped their past ages in a distant realm of another mystical dimension.
Knowing that in your broken and embittered ancestors of an immense plain ravaged by destruction and a battlefield of gods of ancient Ragnarok,
Among these warring grounds is a red silhouette of a slender and powerful cosmic entity, long shunned by barbarians in ages past in a distant realm of another mystical dimension that fell to monstrous wars.
Whose name was this past in a distant kingdom of another mystical dimension, Astron was lost because of successive wars and progressive devastation, there was no time to save many peoples, it was almost total.
As for the few that were left, they were of an ancient religion, they worshiped the primate goddess, gradually regressing, they prayed everyday to ancient ancient gods
These were forgotten times and long wars of eternal proportions.
While the wars happened in distant times, in an immense and ancient constellation, old worlds when they still existed.
It was they who ruled the existing solar systems in their dark and stinking civilization destroyed amid chaos.
In Zaraniun's past ages, when they were just babies crawling through birth in their pre-industrial civilization.
Centuries before the fall of the ancient gods, there was a civilization, but it was much older, this one worshiped ancient and righteous gods who received rewards for being worshiped
The ancient scientists of this world were nothing more than priests lost amidst the desolation and thus cursing amidst ancient prayers invoking ancient names that rivaled their beliefs.