The cops started asking who did it, as well as started babbling an answer.
She babbled and said. “It was my brothers who did this to me. – Then she stopped talking and started to cry.
It had been the brothers themselves, the police saw a door ajar at the back of the house, towards the bush, when the dogs began to sniff around.
Broken Avon in the city of Chtulhu, the escape route on a dry stream that flows into a river.
The kids loved coming here, a hill that leads to a playground, you can have a picnic here.
The younger children played a lot here.
The searches began in the woods, they were almost 300 meters from the woods, when they found the suspects, identified as Robert Beverly, he immediately turned himself in, continued in the woods, made movements with his hands, so the police were worried, released the dogs, to learn them.
They were dressed for war, in armor, they were covered in blood.