- So, helping me by keeping secret that you spy on other Arkham inmates, in addition to the internal contact. - Said the man.
- Okay, I'll take it. – Said the Handoir who pretended to be a Jew. “Let's have a drink to start a great new alliance and friendship. - Said the man, handing over a plastic cup of water.
They both had dirty secrets that were supposed to be kept hidden and neither of them wanted it revealed, so Tsukiyomi Miki yomi recovered, and left the next day, when he was not approached, and kept it hidden from the Justice League, the next day, breaking out in tabloids and news, paparazzi, newspapers and social media.
Some time after the holidays...
Tsukiyomi Miki yomi in turn, at that point, was going back to work, which he just abused and used the weakness of each of the heroes in not showing up, or having the courage to see him.