- Can you walk? – He questioned him.
- Not now. - He said.
- Right, a few minutes before your colleagues arrive.
What happened there, was he nice to whoever he had sex with?
- You don't mind fucking your enemy? – He questioned him.
- I tell you the same. - He said. – I like your inviting hole.
- I liked your father. - He said, on top of her, in her lap.
- Good for me. – said Izanami no Mikoto. - If you don't worry, I'll take advantage of these invasions to fuck you from now on, since you don't care.
- And if it's not just invasions? – He questioned him.
- Then it's good for me. - He said. “But you can't come back stretched and limping, they can take you to heal and realize what you've been doing. – said Izanami no Mikoto. – While they fight, we have sex. - He said.
- I'll take you to the tank so you don't show up. - He said.