- You give a lot of work, and with a clenched fist he threw an unexpected punch in Sapphire's direction, she fell to the ground.
- I'll get rid of you and I'll make some money. - He said. Starting a construction fight.
Golden-Star was stunned, half hallucinating that there was drug residue in his system.
- Let's kill her, Kal. - Said Selene. “She wouldn't be as much of a problem if she died. - Said Selene.
They all take a lot of work. - Said Flash arriving now. - They were arresting them, there was still steam in the air, everyone was stunned, Tsukiyomi Miki Yomi decided to put on the mask, he saw that there were steam coming out of the Joker's car, apparently it was a drug that influenced it, it came from the engine.
As the steamers took everyone around, fighting and war began. – There would be carnage if they didn't stop him, the two Martians fighting while changing forms, Black Canary was fighting with Green Arrow's arrows.