- Yes, let's sign the papers. – The old werewolf said.

They followed together waiting for them through the corridors, accompanying them to the meeting room and contracts, there were as witnesses the vampires and werewolves, in addition to the members of the Um-Mu sect, who signed the documents with them.

So, they went to celebrate, when talking to other masters, sorcerers, counselors, so, anyway, Hikaru was expected by a servant and his chauffeur, he returned at the end of the night to his mansion.

When he arrived, he went straight to his suite, up the stairs, taking off his clothes, he went to take a long bath in his bathtub, when he left he dried himself and went to get his robe, when he took the small bag, going down the stairs towards his library, opening the secret door of the clock, when he went down the stairs, he started to take out the products he stole, distributing it on the shelves of his cave, they would be there more protected than in a magical library , what they didn't expect was a normal thief, who didn't use magic often, so he would be safe.

After a while, he cataloged, read some special books, then up the stairs he went to his suite, to sleep.

When the next day, being woken up by his butler Delmos.

- Meeting day, sir. - He said, with a tray preparing him for the day...

Taking a shower, drying off, putting on a three-piece suit, being waited in the garage by the driver, heading to a meeting.

By the end of the event, he'd been escorted to his company limousine, a tall, long building with several mirrored rooms and wooden doors.

A wave of animosity ran through the streets on the Proclamation of the Republic holidays on the eve of Independence Day.

The advisors and secretariats approached him during that week with an effort for a program and resources with the transition of service provision, in addition to measures that were in the environmental area, which were incorporated in the companies that were revoked and privatized by his company.

The representatives between werewolves and vampires, if they didn't stay calm and accept a truce, would soon ensue in civil war in the most final and fragile mystical alliance ever created.

He had a plan, using aphrodisiac, nothing better than carnal union for that.

Enter when drinking champagne, in which they were negotiating the passage to transport and trade the grapes from the vineyards of Italy, when they began to market and produce wine, drink and cow pastures for consumption.

- Let's negociate. – Hikaru said. – Is the administration okay? – Hikaru questioned.

- Yes, it is good administration. - He said.

According to the counselors of the great sect of Um-Mu, where he was there talking in a meeting room, they are the source of problems, so we want them to be on our side. – Zarathus said.

- I'll find a way. – Hikaru said.

They met at a business meeting, on a transition team, as well as a group of businessmen with connections to the supernatural world.

Since they first met, he saw when being introduced by their mutual friends, one thing was certain, in each of them, there was attraction...

One blond and one red, long hair and muscular.

- What a pleasure. – Lucien said, squeezing her hand, kissing with those red eyes vibrant with blood, vertical pupils.

A vampire with long red hair, as if on fire, he was immortal like every vampire, ancient he said.

- How long have you been on earth? – Hikaru questioned him.

- I'm over two thousand years old. - He said. – I was hugged before the Black Death. - He said. Around the year 1000.” He said.

- And as for you, you are part of the Crisis Clan, right? – Hikaru questioned.

- I saw you in the audience, at the big ceremony. – Gabriel said.

- Yes I went. - He said.

Big, muscular and handsome werewolf, being the representative of the whole family and the council, being a man over a thousand years old...yes, even though Hikaru was 36, he was still being grabbed and looking like a teenager around these two strong and virile men...

- Have you ever had a relationship with a man? Gabriel walked around him as both men pulled him to the sofa in the corner of the ballroom.

- I have a reputation for only ladies, so far no man has tried to flirt with me. – Hikaru said.

- Yes, I see, so we are the first. - Lucien said.

- Do you agree to try it with us, a kiss, who knows? - They said.

- You are very united, because according to rumors, I heard that both clans are in a rivalry. – Hikaru said.

- When we realize that we don't want war, but the same things, we have common goals, why fight, isn't it Gabriel? Lucien asked.

- I don't want to start a meaningless war, we already have too many problems. – Gabriel said.

- Ah, I know the first vampire in ages who is also a werewolf, after all, I am the witness - Hikaru said.

- Right there, we were chosen to remedy. – Gabriel said.

- I'd rather share if you don't mind. - Lucien said.

- Do you agree? – Gabriel questioned him.

- Depends if I like it? – Hikaru said.

Some years ago...

12 eldest members of the priests and members of the senate and council of the werewolf clan where the council is made up of 556 of them, were over 3000 years old but would soon die if they didn't find a volunteer for the ceremony.

The werewolf clan underwent an immortality ceremony, it was the involvement of the twelve oldest werewolves in a fusion ritual, where the oldest and most powerful werewolf would emerge, which was formed by the twelve counselors, on the moon full of blood, on a sixth. Monday at midnight.

He was one of the spectators in the audience, where the elders merged to form a new werewolf with a young werewolf as an anchor.

So the ancient werewolves were more than 2000 years old each, who kept in the stronghold of the wolves in Scotland.

Beside him, still out of breath, that werewolf with yellow eyes, furry arms, muscular and defined body, both were as big as he was, they were a statue of Leonardo da Vinci, each of them, was the Vitruvian Man, where each one of them, were carved in hard and beautiful marble.

There he was, in the middle of a meeting room, implementations, public, plus tax breaks.

- Mr. Delphos, the benefit will be scheduled for a meeting with politicians and representatives of two races. – The short, demonic woman with horns said.

- Well, I have no choice. - He said.

- You were chosen as mediator of the conflict. – The woman said.