- It was with my nephew. – Gabriel said.

- In the end, none of the clans accepted as they were enemies. – Hikaru said.

- Exactly. - They said.

- What we want is for it to be proven that it was not forced with an examination made by a human, so that there are no wars on either side of the clans. – Gabriel said.

They were found inside the moon goddess temple in the center of town, lying side by side on the altar, at six in the morning by the priests who recognized them but called the police.

Hikaru was getting ready as the host to be able to prepare the winter festivities, the independence holiday, which would be hosting the big party and the events of the turn of the end of the year.

During the holidays and festivities, which would take place, they would be organized as the opening of great shows that took place for the coming of a great event and the fighting championship that would take place in the city.

He was the businessman and benefactor of the city of Mondo, where he was the city's elusive philanthropist and playboy , single, handsome, a sexy half-breed, part-time hero like the Suzako who was at that hour, being the victim of his gallant, sexy and handsome.

The city was the center of mystical power, where migrations and festivities came that included the beasts and a clan of vampires and werewolves, Hikaru was the mediator and majority partner of an alliance between a partnership and society that included, food transport, in addition to production in magical worlds, whose portals were being used by trains from underground stations.

In the old party house, there was a big benefit party, in which the tycoons and bankers were gathering to celebrate so that they could raise funds and actions, between meetings, to find financiers and preservation of the environment.

Meanwhile, the former businessman and werewolf from downtown, from a very old family, he learned that his niece, Bessie Freeman, who died a week ago.

The wake was scheduled for midnight, due to the fact that she was recently turned into a vampire and werewolf, her werewolf father swore she was forced by a cheap conqueror, even though there were witnesses that they tried to find each other alone and they had been found in intimate moments, what they didn't know was that they would run away together, but she didn't have the courage, being arrested by her father before her escape with her boyfriend.

According to reports, in which they tried to flee together but to no avail, the clans had been enemies for centuries, they would not stop chasing them.

This was problematic, they wanted to live forever together.

Both they and she, were committed and had an arranged marriage, were going to be separated, so the only solution...

- It was to kill each other. - Hikaru understood and completed.

So, that day was the most important, with discussion groups with the part of the community, with the situation almost generating a degree of influence in a cycle of problems, which would not have space in their city.

Before he had to go as the witness to reveal that it was not to force the bar there...

According to the fact that the werewolf killed with a dagger in her chest, well, she self-harmed. – The coroner said.

The report and charts were literally being ready.

Rumor had it there was forbidden love, the event that was scheduled next week was that the werewolves rescheduled, tempers between the two races were walking a fine line from a near-civil war in the city.

The older man, a vampire who had a youthful appearance, passing to his amazement of 500 years of life, with red hair and long flowing hair, was talking to Hikaru, who by the way wanted his help in this case.

So he took it to the board, reports and charts, where there were over a thousand pages of data among the problems.

It was a large hall of the old town hall, with the power of communication, yes, a creation, an intelligent movement of business and marketing.

In the midst of the plans, there was an attack on the city, a very strange mage seemed to want to sink his villainous roots, launching Golens towards the city.

When he broke into the museum in search of some artifacts that would control werewolves and the Wolf God Totem, in which they would literally turn them into mindless, mindless dogs that would bite and attack everything around them.

Meanwhile, in the middle of the city, he took an object from the museum, before he continued to pronounce the magic words, an arrow and a harpoon were thrown towards him, when he took the object from his hands, pulling them, the mage surprised. infuriated, he pronounced some magic words, in his direction.

At that time, in front of him, a man dressed in green and red colors, with a mask and cape, clothes of a bird, was Hikaru. – This doesn't belong to you. - He said.

- But go. – He uttered other words, then Golens went towards him, at that time, he pulled the object again, when he kicked the stone towards the ground, breaking it.

A huge mystical explosion of overwhelming force, when lights appeared, throwing everyone to all sides, breaking glass and objects in front of him, Hikaru protected himself with his cloak and behind a pillar.

- Curse you. - The mage said, trying to protect himself from the explosion field, but Suzako was fleeing between the debris that fell with the pillars seconds before everything collapsed.

He was in the middle of the street, when the worst happened, tremors erupted around them, as the mage appeared behind them...

At that hour, he called for reinforcements on the communicator, vampires and werewolves appeared like the police corps, to witness the scene, from the bowels of the earth, as if sprouting around them, at that hour, wild beasts like hellhounds, red-eyed of various eyes, as big and scaly as elephants, they looked like demons.

- I think this is a side effect of the stone's destruction. – Gabriel said, protecting him, as he launched himself in front of the beast that was jumping towards him.

- So these are the uncontrolled hellhounds? - The mage said, when trying to dodge and run away, he tried to sneak, but was surprised by Hikaru.

- You go to prison. – Hikaru then punched him knocking him out and pinning him to a pole.

At that hour, a general fight erupted around them, panic and despair, as creatures from the center of the earth sprang up around the city, when everyone who wasn't part of the fight tried to run, among the combatants were vampires and werewolves .

It was when they fought around for the first time in eons, against a common enemy, then more and more and more monsters emerged from the hole in the ground, they were mindless monsters that were there to eat, slaughter and slaughter...

Meanwhile there was still the noise and power of an implosion that sucked and expelled everything from the center of the stone.

- Does gathering the stone make them stop emerging from underground? – Gabriel asked.

- I have no idea, at most, we have to destroy the stone. – Hikaru said.

In the midst of the rush, in which several people around and around the city were attacked, when the police reinforcements among the humans, who were a part of the police body, in which they managed to arrive in time to help them, they came with their vehicles , when everyone was in positions, shooting at these beasts, when they were literally chasing them, when the beasts advanced towards everyone, when they overthrew cars, they chased passersby, who desperately ran for their lives.

At that time, when Hikaru ran with Gabriel and Lucien towards the center of the explosion, to try to destroy the stone, launching once again, their harpoons, when he pulled them, at that time, both men jumped together destroying that stone. ..

About that.

When everyone ran, amidst the explosion of each of the monsters that literally combusted, when they were seeing beasts that didn't explode fleeing between the holes in the floor.

Yes, guessing and analyzing, they managed to work together, since the city wanted peace.

Even at that hour, heading back to the mansion, leaving the dirt to the garbage men and someone to sweep the streets...