- Any news, godparents? – Hikaru turned to his godfather, while they ate.

- Some matters, you will receive a visit from an ally, he will arrive in a few minutes, we have business to deal with him. - Amasteus said.

It didn't take long, a green colored demon arrived, who was one of the representatives of the demonic council.

- So what would you like from me? – Hikaru questioned him.

- Some time ago, I made a deal with a future president.

- The price? – Hikaru questioned.

- The misfortune and population of your country. - The demon said. – Your end. - He said.

- I covered the souls of the entire population. - The demon said.

- I have your presence for what exactly? – Hikaru questioned.

- You would be representative, mediator and the contact between the demons so that we could auction the souls in an auction between the negotiations for the division. - He said.

- So, you can fill me in on the negotiations, right? – Hikaru said.

- Clear. - The demon said. - It all started... - He said.



At the moment


During his report, Hikaru was taken towards a portal, with some documents, towards a meeting, regarding a batch of souls.

- It all started with the elections. – The demon Hezekiah said.

The elections were very troubled, with that, there was complete and unilateral support, it was said that according to the DT party, they paid and made promises for the support of their current president, Jeremias Polvo Silva.

- He paid for everyone to support him, in reality, he only promised, he didn't keep any of the promises. - Hezekiah said.

- Typical. – Hikaru said.

A former president who lost the elections was exiled in the United States of America, in the midst of losing the last elections, in which he was consulted by a representative of the liberal and spiritual party, called the PLE.

He was from the country of Pindorama, he was there in the country, fleeing from an internal political persecution, according to what they said, there were rumors, rejection and threats, which were ignored.

Even with the support, the former president, Jairo Chosen Baltimore, then, this former president and political exile amid the requests of his former supporters decided to return to his country, but what he did not know was that a plot was formed radical about his person, even during warnings, he ignored them.

So, leaving the extreme politics, the rumors and the parts of the population that, according to what they said, the current president of Pindorama himself was allied with the Yakusa, which in turn had a division of the criminal mafia of Pindorama, so, they set up so that they would never return , neither he nor his advisers.

Then, one rainy afternoon, several things happened.

Due to the fact that Jeremiah before the elections made a pact with a demonic creature, one of the heads of the infernal kingdom of Zarathanis, where they did not know that they would exact their price.

In the midst of having Hikaru as a mediator who went to him to make the report of the collection of his debts.

- What was the price to pay exactly, that he didn't know as to why he would win the elections? – His mediator questioned him.

- The one he didn't know exactly, he delivered the entire population of Kuarana Pará Yeteroy, so, he didn't know that on February 13, 2023, I would charge him, he would be president of a country, but how do you reign without a kingdom ? - The demon Hezekiah questioned him.

- Reigns in what's left. – Hikaru said.

- There is no way to reign without a kingdom. - Hezekiah said.

- It is clear. - Hikaru said.

- At least in a bankrupt country in which he cannot govern in what does not exist. - Hezekiah said.

Then, on February 13, 2023, there was torrential rain, a huge storm, in the midst of lightning and thunder that cut the sky, in which they hit the Kuarana power grid, in which in the midst of the beginning of the annual festivities that would be the big annual Carnival party, which would gather a large number of tourists.

So, that day, there was so much rain that all the hills were taken away, they said that it was the devil who exacted his price, that was exactly it, he took the population of Kuarana who lived in its high hills, with landslides, a flood, due to to the fact that the water does not stop for the next few months.

The torrent of water that infiltrated the land, took the ravines, mountains and hills, they were taken as if they were made of mud and water, when there was a landslide of mud, as if they were made of an immense river that was carried by a huge current, millions died, neither drug dealers nor criminals were left, the members of the Yakusa that used to live there also did not survive.

- So, you've paid your price? – Hikaru said.

- There is a time to charge, I did not give a deadline, nor did I say how. - He said.

- He didn't ask either. – Hikaru guessed.

- Right, he didn't do that, he just asked. - Hezekiah said.

- I want to charge my price, it was the price the population of Kuarama belongs to me, their souls were taken by me, so, I took them as payment that I said so much. – The demon spoke to Hikaru. – Nothing better than now. - He said.

What happened was that the country fell into a recession that took more than 50 years to recover, due to a crisis of banks that had a big embezzlement, there was no money to finance construction.

The president went on several television networks, their various channels to seek help, this caused a huge commotion of the world's population, who sent reinforcements.

What happened was that not even in 10 years, they were able to rebuild the state of Kuarama, they had no money, no conditions, at that time, there was no way to live, in a state that was a crater formed by a river, they walked on top of the corpses that were buried, under the mud, not even the city hall was left.

Since they said so much, they didn't expect that, but there were no resources to save what they couldn't save, everyone died, if they went back to inhabit a state that had no ground, they would live under an abyss that formed from the mud and mud. bodies in a huge hole that was carried away, the rain did not stop for the next month, there would be no way to send help due to the risk of collapse.

Meanwhile, in the meantime, the former president got on his plane, along with a group of passengers, he was going to arrive in the country of Pindorama that week, but the unthinkable happened.