- Mmph ! His mouth was taken in a fierce kiss. The tongue invaded the force inside him, everything caught fire, the constant ups and downs of powerful thrusts.

The brutal thrusts and the sting and vigor passed through his lips as it spread over every part of his body, over every tooth, caressed along the ridges of his oral roof, and entangled with his own tongue in a battle. for the dominance he quickly lost, it was not for lack of trying.

It was all Tsuki Miki could do to stay conscious, as his mouth and body were completely looted pounding and pounding the waves of electricity coursing through his body the up and down the cock thumping in and out the frantic thrusts and the testicles pounding into his buttocks. their gasps and lunges.

He was returned up and down up, down, up, down, up, down to the Chinese rapist's unyielding need, and I felt like I was being skewered and fucked and lost control of his body and limbs.

With the constant lunges, followed by shrill screams and more and more outrageous, so intense and so deep with each descent. That perfect package inside him was hit with each upward jolt, and he was melting his eyeballs in their sockets.

White lights blinded his vision and was consumed by waves of pleasure, he was seized by shock waves of electricity throughout his body, and electricity coursed through his body and his vision whitened, Tsuki Miki pulled hard and ripped his lips free with a gasping gasp, the need for air overcoming it.

- I... I... and... you can't...! Fuck please! - Tsuki Miki had been reduced to begging. For what, he could no longer be sure.

- You're, uh... gonna have to be a little more specific. Huang Di rumbled against the curve of his muscular neck. Tsuki Miki wanted to respond in the midst of the ups and downs his thighs parted his sucked and bitten nipples his equally attacked neck he wanted to retaliate with something sarcastic and sinful, preserving the remaining shreds of his dignity in any way possible, but he never got the chance. The world was suddenly tilting.

His back hit the floor and his thighs opened under trusting hands and he was literally being slammed to the ground. Tsuki Miki was on the verge of openly crying. He couldn't stop the curve of his back, the shameless twist of his hips.

With their constant whimpers and their sharp, uncontrollable turns loud and sinful their wails and groans that flew the sparks and spit from her lips like honey from a beehive. His voice was wet and fractured, and his eyes were glistening with unshed moisture.

Huang Di, fucked him as if his life depended on it deep brutal thrusts and reaching the same point his moans and screams.

In what he was thrusting and thrusting he was hitting hard he was hammering like he was a rebellious nail, his strokes long and incredibly hard, and he didn't know how much more he could take.

He'd never experienced anything like this earth-shattering, mind blowing, frighteningly euphoric in his entire life. He knew that no other experience would ever compare, and that it was possibly the worst or best accomplishment of the night.

The hatred of her inner bat was colder than the arctic temperatures, weighing her bones down, but the pleasure burned bright. He hated and loved at the same time the madness and the mixture of sensations, which spread to the myriad of sensations. - Please... Stop... -

He took a breath, meeting the gray eyes above them like sizzling metal molten above him with an expression of subdued hostility. They shone at him from within coal pits.

- I really don't want to stop, Tsuki Mikiy . Not now, not ever. - There was determination of steel with those words.

They escalate into something primal and violent. Tsuki Miki couldn't hold back the scream. Their mouths clashed in an explosion of slashing teeth and lashing tongues, and Tsuki Miki fought for all it was worth.

Huang Di ravaged his body with a ferocity that only an agent of chaos would possess. He could feel her tightening in his groin, her essence was boiling inside him, and it would only be a matter of moments before he would burst.

They moved as a single unit. Their bodies rocked up in and out, pounding with a ferocious, animal fervor that had been trapped for years and then released to each other, and it was hot and wrong and absolutely sublime.

His skull fell back against the wooden floor, and his mouth opened in a silent scream for. - Oh... Ah... Please... More please... More... Oh God... - He screamed and pleaded.

- That's it, Tsuki Mikiy , you are perfect and you are mine! That feral proclamation of possession whispered in her ear was all it took to completely fall apart.

His muscles clenched around Huang Di, milking him for all it was worth, as his orgasm rocked through him with enough force to tip the world on its axis.

Thick strings of seed spurted from the reddened head of his cock, covering her breasts in a spurt, a huge, unnatural swirl of emotions amid the power of his spurts and torrents of white.

He could feel himself filling with liquid heat from Huang Di painting his insides, spilling out of him and it was too much.

This crazy, psychopathic killer rapist communist mobster the pleasure lord of countless orgies from china had just fucked him in his own cum fucking him on the floor and beating like his life depended on it now lying on the floor.

He had just claimed, stolen something irreplaceable. - Oh, heh - eh, eh, eh - was that, uh... a little too much to bear? – Huang Di was smiling from ear to ear, with an Alice in Wonderland cat triumph expression.

Tsuki Miki had never felt such a strange and overwhelming combination of rage, nausea, post-coital bliss, and insatiable desire for more. He fell slack, the will to fight melting out of him with every drop of cum that trickled down his thighs. He looked at the perverted Chinese through squinted eyes. "You..." He couldn't think of a thing to say.

Huang Di's triumphant smile. "Fucked to the core," he said, "aren't you? He chuckled happily, before pulling himself out of him and standing up. Tsuki Miki moaned softly. Her eyelids felt as if lead weights had been attached to them, her brain filled with warm cotton. He knew he shouldn't, it would put him in a terribly vulnerable position, but he just wanted to sleep.

He was so exhausted. Huang Di's smiling face began to blur over him, and he felt a pang of panic. - Ah, I might have gone a little hard for you, Tsuki Mikiy . Sorry, but this. - Somehow he didn't seem very apologetic.

He looked very pleased with himself. Tsuki Miki wanted so badly to punch the madman out of this world before he ended his race, but his fingers refused to make a decent fist.

The world was fading fast...

Tsuki Miki felt a cold pang of fear. He was losing consciousness. - Oh no. You. Worry. I will take very good care of you. - Dear God, he was screwed.

When he woke up, a mattress and the subtle weight of thick comforters. It took considerable effort to break his eyes open, and the blinding beam of sunlight that greeted him was almost unwelcome. He rolled over and nearly screamed at the wave of pain that coursed through him.

He was assaulted by a wave of memories he would have preferred to remain forgotten. Color flooded his face, and a growl shaped his mouth into something fierce. That son of a bitch. Huang Di he... had... he... one of the men who had taken her virginity as any of them would take him in two wild , group sex sessions...