– Partial memory loss. - Said.

The rivers... The immense rivers of blood agonizing screams throats and more throats slashed there were his allies lying at his feet and seeing their bleary eyes, in which there was his best friend dead his blood on his hands his neck cut and his rope of truth around him burning and burning.

He saw in front of him coming towards him the red-eyed crow said whispering and cawing around him in the moment that passed and erased from time, in which he saw several bodies and more bodies piled up around him, with blood covering his body. head around Jim Gordon had his head impaled, on which hanging on a pedestal, the specter whose head was impaled along with the ghost avenger's blood like a river the hole grew the tree grew and everything collapsed...

- At that moment the lost power of the rope of truth that power to bind the soul. - You will reveal the worst of all, to the whole world. - He croaked in his direction.