Neural pain inducers coma inducing hallucinogens mind controlling inhibitors and some that would serve those with the affinity to the spirit world to open and manipulate the mind these were activated and aided in trance spiritual travel clearing the system of any further drugs.

Neuro psionic transmitters, neural pain inducers and best a spiritual drug that would disconnect the mind from the body where it is inducing scrying would render it virtually unable to return without an antidote or something would be lost.

In which it would link the world of dreams to the collective unconscious capable of inducing and creating prophets and seers and those where the greatest of all visions would see an unimaginable future where they would link to millions of minds in the absent world.

A new protein drug to thus bind to dreams precognitions hallucinations nightmares and send to worlds and dimensions turning off the body and making the universe see where the physical body could not go.