In which were parted at the sides of the waist long and immense black hair mingling with the shadows of the night the waves of darkness as if it made no distinction of darkness elongated shadows and mingled with the darkness around it that appeared and disappeared and this woman was muscular and tall as tall as superman himself.
- You were able to get here unaided just by concentrating and in a deep trance between the world of the living and the dead and suffering from s capture and something to behold. - He said approaching walking sinuously towards him.
- You know how you got here. he asked with a smile.
- I was captured Luthor found out who I was... - he said. - I died? - He asked.
- Are you sure? – He said – What's the last thing you remember
- Before you arrived at the factory? - He asked.
- The last thing? - He asked. - What kind of question is that? – I wanted to know.