To be sure, because he was already an advanced age, and who in turn was a master at what he did, and he wanted a disciple, in which they were trained for a long time in protection, and they were the best guards that some neighborhoods could have. , they had their own hidden bank, transport, and he had contact with several Jewish agents.

Being that they charged a carrier and manufactures and use trucks, and smuggling, in a dairy and products factory of Jewish origin, herbs, and condiments, but which was disguised by the customs region, in which shipments of sand and products and building materials and its employees who transported the goods were often elderly women.

Even without their bodyguards who disguised themselves and went both in false compartments of trucks, and using elderly disguises in cars that followed them as a precaution, such as smuggling relics and valuable artifacts as smuggling antiquities disguised as dairy and building materials.