Ch 41: Old encounters [pt1]

Howard Spencer finally got to relax in his bed after much delay. His second day at Esper’s academy had been full of action and anticipation.

He had even come face to face with a villain and made ‘friends’ with someone suspicious.

Howard was about to fall asleep finally when he got an incoming message from Jack Hollow of all people. The elder had been the sole reason Howard had become the power he had been in the first place.

So as much as Howard did not want to pick up the phone, he felt like he had no other choice but to pick it up.

/Howard, how was the first day of your academy life? Was it as exciting as you expected?’/

Jack sounded excited when he asked the question. His voice sounded a pitch higher than it was supposed to be and that gave away how fake his concern was.

‘Look at him, asking all these questions as if Jack doesn’t already know what happened. I am sure he’s just calling back to ask me useless questions.’