More than 2 thousand years ago, during the height of the Akkadian empire, in the midst of a war between the gods, there was a drought that led human civilization to war, in which everyone started to fight for food, water and disease, when the gods took opposite sides.

In the midst of this, two warrior gods were in the midst of wars, they converted humans and used them in their wars, in search of followers, when finally, the war took on proportions of destruction.

Ninurta the god and warrior occupied a warrior form, werewolf form, during a war with Apsu, both cast spells, in the creation of the first werewolves, when and the bat monsters, in which each of them, created their own armies being the first Ninurta's vampires.

While the first werewolves of Apsu, when both created their own warriors and armies, in the midst of wars, between the gods, between the Akkadians, during the great floods, they finally entered into a truce, after more than two thousand years of wars.

Then, during the end of the wars with the end of the Akkadian empire, they created the first mystical communities, for years, they had animosities between the two races, creating clans, which often got into wars.

Sometimes, they faced the humans, when finally, they expanded, created several communities, unified several magical beings, in the midst of great conquests, several clans emerged.

During the Middle Ages, they went into hiding during the persecutions, the witch hunts, they came to expand, looking for new cultures, creating an incredible secret society that spread across the world.

In the midst of two mystical wars, then, they were once again isolated for over a thousand years, until new secret societies emerged that unified the two mystical nations, unifying into a great mystical empire of various races of magical beings, forming a great community, which has settled in different parts of the world.

Recently, after several periods of war, peace came, expanding and creating the headquarters and the first mixed city, magical and human, which was called Lovecraft County, with an alliance, a cord of peace between humans and beings. magicians,

The city had a reputation for supernatural and mafia, where it was the home and mecca of mystical beings and that of the mafia that was ruled by elves and humans in an ancient territorial dispute for years.

This was before the expulsion of several organized crime groups, in the midst of a last gang war that ravaged the city with crimes that for years, having several victims among the businessmen, this caused the city to be isolated and made its own laws, when Tsuki Miki Delphos' parents were caught in the crossfire on the eve of the elections.

Anyway, being kidnapped and killed, forcing the isolation of his son, being taken during a good part of his childhood and his adult life to live far away towards traveling to various parts of the world, where he trained and was introduced to the religion of Um -Mu, where he was trained and inserted into the mystical milieu.

It was where he had masters with his future boyfriends and being the mediator and representative between the vampire and werewolf clans, being the suitor of both millennial gods, until at his age of 28, he returned to the city of Lovecraft County, rebuilding the city, taking it out of decay and poverty, bringing with it the great mystical society that expanded in that city.

Thousands of years later.

At the age of 36, still at a business party, bringing new associates, new ventures, a wave of donations, investing and using government funds for works, maintenance and construction, in addition to investing in education and investments in work centers .

- Well, how smart and hard he is. – A rich lady said, when she was convinced to invest in the city to make donations, and some of them were around to invest and finance construction of orphanages and schools throughout the city.

A few wealthy benefactors were there to chat, gossip, badmouth, and finance studies with scholarships in addition to welfare.

Alongside them, the same investors, mages, vampires, among mystical auctions, as well as clans of werewolves and vampires, involved in managing, rebuilding and expanding businesses, with the city as their base of operations.

Now, a grown man was telling the story of his adolescence, when he was sitting at a table with various people about the tales of his life.

Several things happened, he was at an intimate party, after he returned from another fundraising party, although tired, among them, at a table in the entrance of the stone sack, which was the entrance to the garden of his mansion of Gothic style.

Tsuki Miki Delphos was next to his boyfriends, to which he revealed some secrets when he finished training in a training room in a cave, under his mansion.

As he remembers an adventure he had when he was just over 14, it felt like a fetish or love he didn't know, in his teenage mind, it was something he had in common, a typical teenager.

Today at 36, he was well understood with himself, which was not said of his adolescent phase.

It was hard, he knew what teenagers were like, so when he took care of his pupils, being a philanthropist, hero and rich, well no one died at his hands like that, other than fighting crime.

He was at the lunch table, at which he wanted to take priority to tell me to the King of All Vampires and the Werewolf Empire, in which he revealed what he did when he was 14 years old.

Ninurta the god in werewolf form, during a war with Apsu, both cast spells, in the creation of the first werewolves, when and the bat monsters, in which each of them, created their own armies being Ninurta's first vampires and the first werewolves from Apsu,

They became their teachers in the occult arts and masters when he started training with them when he was 15 years old, a year after his mission with teacher Viktoria, so he grew up with them, amidst discovering that he liked them. two, even though he liked women too...

So, when both created their own warriors and armies, in the midst of wars, between the gods, between the Akkadians, during the great floods, they finally entered into a truce, after more than two thousand years of wars.

When he sat at the table, with her husband, that new stone god from another galaxy, who seemed to find out about his passions and what he was up to.

- You have a piece in your hand, he gets ready very easily. – His wolf godmother Veronika said handing him over to the two millennial gods, in which now, he thought of his future marriage, in which this brought a baggage of stories.

His godmother reportedly telling the vampire challenged him to seduce his teacher.

- How it is...? – Ninurta asked.

While in turn, Apsu laughing said.

- He was always naughty. – The other god said.

- Not just any teacher. - He said. – It was my history teacher. - He said.

- What's that for? – Darkness questioned him.

- She was not just any teacher, in reality, she was a spy, being related to a business rival of my godmother Veronika who infiltrated Chambers Hitomi's academy, it was a town on a small island far from the mainland, which belonged to the territory Japanese.