- No, I'm bad at French. - He said.

- I see. - She said. – Looking towards the sides. - Let's go to my room.

Then he followed her, it was across the hall, in the opposite direction of the staff room.

As they entered there, he was looking at pink everywhere, a closet and ruffles on the table.

- What did you not understand in my class? – She questioned him, sitting in front of him at the table.

- Everything, if I can't, I'll fail. - He said.

The woman sighed. – We have an hour, until my class starts, I'll text your teacher, now, you have math, don't you? - She questioned him taking the cell phone.

- Yeah, teacher, Miko. - He said.

Then she took out her cell phone and sent a few very quick messages, it looked like the scarlet sprinter.

- Let's go to remedial class. – The blond woman said. “Show me what you can't understand. - She said.

At that time, the plan started, he showed her the lessons, getting as close as possible, between his excuses, where he in the middle of classes, between half an hour, feeling her breasts, next to his face, when she approached to loosely correct his lesson.

At that moment, when before he could do anything else, tripping over his own feet as he rounded the table, he kissed her, before he drew back, she didn't fight back, nor did she pull away, but to her surprise, she deepened the kiss, it was more than ten minutes of kissing for it to progress to rubbing and a few snogging, when he let go, before the door slammed, and backed away, jumping a few inches off the table.

Rushing to sit in her chair, before the woman cleared her throat, then said.

"Come in..." She said, heading towards the door.

It was the teacher, Jo Ye of calculus, she the next class after the math teacher.

- I wanted to know if he will attend the next class. - She said.

- You didn't text. – She said to the table.

- I sent it, but you didn't reply. - She said.

- The backup, she said, I left it on silent. – Viktoria said, looking at her cell phone. - Sorry. - She said.

- Tsuki is hot in here. – The teacher said. - Let's take a break, we'll continue tomorrow. – The woman said.

- Right, teacher. - He said, getting up, being led by the teacher towards the hallway.

- Warm room, why not ask for an air conditioning. – The other said, as she left.

- I will ask. - She said, before the other closed the door, behind her, as they went down the hall, towards her class.

At that time, he managed to get away, without getting caught, besides being receptive with a good adrenaline bullet, he later called his godmother to talk about the Tsundere girl, taking her with him to the godmother's mansion.

- So how was it? – Veronika asked the boy.

- She and a bitch as everyone said, inside the circle. – Tsuki said.

- Well, go on, divert attention, try to seduce her, in addition to attracting her to the underworld party three weeks ago. “This is the time when it comes for you to seduce her. – The albino blonde woman said.

- Okay, I'll do it. - He said.

When he went to take a shower, to change, to get her scent off him.

At that time, in another place, the teacher, in addition to being a professional assassin, was in her torture room, when she arrived from school, when she started torturing her prisoner, her partner and assistant, listening to her account of the fiery teenager. .

- Don't let that blow your cover the redhead Swede said, next to her, she was short.

- He is a small adventure, my target is another, but nothing prevents me from enjoying fresh meat. - She said.

So don't let them find out, you'll have to run away so you don't get arrested. - She said.

- I know where to get it, besides, I know how to proceed with it, I'm not going to let my job and disguise get in the way of this. - She said.

So, the plan went ahead the next day, he managed to corner her and approach her between class breaks, between the alleys and dark corridors, she didn't avoid, but commanded the rhythm, in the middle of a make-out session that was her class as a backup, they were more making out, kissing than studying.

It was after that day, the door was locked, he sent a message to the two teachers of the last class, to let them know that he wouldn't attend classes for two weeks, so, the bitch teacher sent a request for dismissal to the school dean, either accepted.

Among his supposed classes, the woman gradually, they spent some time talking, supposedly, he used her as a confidant, he to his surprise, was invited with the excuse of tutoring, five days later, to his house, for classes.

Warning Veronika, he went to the woman's house, he realized that she was full of fire, cornering him and trapping him on the couch, when a week passed, he saw that she didn't lose his fire, so somehow, she still for a whole week after school, always inviting him on their hot makeout nights to her house, which he saw he shared with a Swede.

- I have something to say to you. - She said.

- Which? – He wanted to know.

- I'm a professional assassin, I was hired to infiltrate the school and kill a colleague of yours.

"What…" He thought, so fast. – But me, where do I stay? – He questioned her.

- After this week, I'm going to kill him, I'm leaving at dawn, after three weeks, I want you to go along with me. - She said.

She was really in love with him, her moment of stupor and admiration for his capabilities was too much, he was still for a few seconds, she was apprehensive.

- Do you want to attend a party at my godmother's mansion in three days? – He questioned her.

- Do you agree to go away with me? – She questioned him.

- Do you agree to go out with me first? – He questioned her.

- Accepted. – Both said in unison.

- It's all right. - She said.

- Tell me a little about your life. – He asked, flirting with her, between kisses.

- With pleasure. - She said.

At that time, she could risk not only her career. – So he knew that asking her to stay at her godmother's mansion for a hidden sex session between the torture rooms was pleasurable.