He woke up to a new day, where he would stop what caused him to be thrown back in time from happening again.

So, he had to contact an ancient informant from the underworld of magic.

He knew who it was.

He changed out in the morning, he went to a bar in a magic and mystical objects exchange shop, it was a meeting place for demons and other creatures, he did several favour’s, paying to have information, where he was talking to a bartender.

Deep down there, there was an ancient demon that was trapped in the form of a green goblin, at that time, he changed it for riddles.

So, they started talking.

Before proceeding with the payment, in which he would do the creature a favours by presenting it to Circe, when he sent him after talking about it.

He was going to get a memo about town business.

He learned through him of an attack that would head towards the city.

During that period, when there was a plenary meeting of councillor’s, when there was a plan.

He left the bar after drinking, took his car, heading to the Delphos tower, where he was going to start work.

When he arrived, he was received by Amasteus in the Entrance Hall.

- Recently, monsters are interested in the city, they want to dominate or destroy. - A demon said.

- If we can get our hands on those regions that were expropriated, then it would be a great investment. Tsuki said.

- Do you think so? – Amasteus questioned him.

- Who really wins, there were a series of invasions in the neighbouring city of Lovecraft County, along with attacks against other cities of alien beings in Golden Valle. Tsuki said.

- I learned through an informant that there will be a new invasion. Tsuki said. – I can use this. - He reiterated.

- There is another problem. – Amasteus said beside him.

- What would it be? – Tsuki questioned.

- A new construction in the city, the vote in the plenary of the governors. - Amasteus said.

He was approached by Amasteus who was accompanying him towards his company, it was Monday morning, working day, that time, when they were talking about business.

- Let us go the night after work to the plenary. - Amasteus said.

- Being important I will. Tsuki said.

He was taken to the poor area of the city, leaving the car in an underground and secret parking lot.

They followed with cloaks and hats and a good disguise coming in to see, community leaders and former residents there, with the holiday extended there was a plan in Tsuki's mind forming.

A little over six months ago they were organizing the approval of a hearing on the voting of a reform in the city, on the public hearing, in which Amasteus took him just to attend a large public hearing.

- How are we doing? – Tsuki questioned.

- Going undercover just to watch the governors' meeting event, jobs like that, they would expropriate a lot of housing. - He said.

There was a plenary meeting, with no investment incentive, several people were against the construction of a new prison in that part of the city in the decaying neighbourhood, the recent acquisition and the budget for the construction of that plenary for the meeting of the housing programs were replaced by complaints from residents.

Recent protests across the city, seeking to collect signatures, in addition to voting against the construction of the new presidio in a series of six stadiums in the city of Lovecraft County, would be linked.

Since that old stadium was not the only one in the plans, there was the expropriation of several low-income housing buildings.

- As you would like to remember, we were taken from our homes. – A woman was in the same plenary where he was, of course, she was the community leader.

There was a former mayor, among the sheriffs and district governors of the government, in that plenary.

At that time, when everyone was protesting what the government would do, the students, the families who would be harmed.

Then, Tsuki had a great idea...

He got up, then, he went towards the plenary, with the microphone for all those who saw Tsuki Miki Delphos, in front of everyone.

- If I have a great idea, to bring new developments, then, with my idea, I can buy all the properties in the region, give each one of them a new home and buy the stadiums. Tsuki said.

- Lord Delphos. - Someone over there said, not believing what he heard.

- Sir, Delphos, even though I am surprised by this, seeing well, that all the lands even with all their decay, I still believe that you would never raise the necessary amount to get that money, do not forget that this will be demolished and everyone will be sent away in 15 days. – The mayor said.

- But like I said, how much is all this land? – Tsuki insisted.

- Around fifty billion, after all there are more than 20 thousand hectares. – The mayor said.

- In fifteen days, you will have that money. – Tsuki said, leaving, leaving everyone stunned.

So, leaving there, accompanied by Amasteus.

- How will you get fifty billion? – Amasteus questioned him, scared as if the devil had fled from the cross.

- I know who can give me that money, but it won't be just one person. Tsuki said.

- I have a plan, I know that an informant told us, today, at 23 o'clock at night there will be an attack of monsters and demons in the city of Golden Valle. Tsuki said.

- Oh, no, you're going to do it. - Amasteus said.

- I want to see. - The blue demon said.

Trigon 's interdimensional attack on the city, seeking world domination.

He had snuck into a conversation between some sorcerers and enemy demons of the Constant among Doctor Fate's enemies.

Astro-Star, was one of those caught off guard, his wife being taken hostage, forcing surrender, then taken by monsters to a secret lair.

That hour, as it became the stage of the struggle between balance, between the games of the gods of chaos and order, it would lead to an attack and destruction of Golden Valle, he would just tell it as a precaution in a last minute urgent message to all the Warriors Society, in which with an urgent communicator that was used only for members of the organization.