main earth

Few years ago...

In Tsuki's youth

On some trips to Veronika 's parties .


Tsuki remembered her godmother's friendships, amidst parties, where Tsuki would be introduced by Veronika where he had met and introduced him to her teachings.

He remembers how he met his boyfriend, initially, he thought it was just admiration, a Japanese vampire, immortal, rich, with the look of a mad scientist.

Her godmother was a wolf and a mobster, so this couldn't be different...

At that time, when he was 14 years old, when he was being taken to the party, when he was introduced to his first benefit of his life, the new members party, where his godmother was spending a season, when he went to Veronika 's mansion to spend a few months, in which she in turn was invited to a new society in which she would be introduced by Shinko. Miyage for a party in Japan, she would spend with him a season in the land of the rising sun.

- Come on, Tsuki, I have to introduce you to some people. – She said, when she took him out of his room, it didn't even take a year for him to travel with his godmother after the death of his parents.

It was worth anything, from teaching cooking to skiing in the Alps, even attending old folks' parties, as he called it.

In one of the most drastic ways, it was to introduce the world of assassinations, terrorists and secret organizations, of which Veronika was a part, torture and the Russian and French mafia, in addition to the supernatural domains , she was an immortal sorceress and created potions so that she could poison your enemies, whereupon Veronika .

Now, Veronika was at her peak of power, I mean, it was at the time when she was fighting for mafia dominance in Europe, even expanding her domains towards Japan, which is why he was there in the first place.

Among them was the werewolf clan, for years she fought a battle for the domination of the packs, so back then, by ripping out her rival's jugular in a dispute, it had been the duel of the great beings, so Veronika proved her strength. value, it wasn't enough just to be a sorceress, so it was enough to kill the enemy wolf, so that's what he did.

Using her godmother status, she kept him entertained and busy so he wouldn't think about his parents' deaths, she took him to some meetings, introduced him to his teachers, he was then at an age where she took him for his various teachers, in which he was introduced into the world of the most varied assassins, among countless professionals from the underworld, there were even the dark magicians, occult sects, among the most varied sects and organizations, in which he was introduced and presented .

Even during his trip around the world, Tsuki met many people, among them many teachers, among these teachers, he had a very egocentric, narcissistic scientist, he was among the most eccentric people he had the happiness to have the coexistence of knowing, apart from those of extravagant and peculiar tastes.

At the height of her 14 years, Veronika , already with the power and dominance of the clans, wanted to start Tsuki in the pack, so he must pass a test.

- What I have to do? - Tsuki questioned.

- First, you have to survive, for a day, then survive for a day, without being killed by my Alpine wolves, Swiss and return to my mansion in one piece. - She said.

Easy, easy, that's what he thought.

He was left alone, under the foothills of the mountains, so he must go up, face and tame the wolves, then come back, with his wolf's head.

Veronika , there was a detail, she trained her snow wolves to eat her enemies, they were fierce.

He had a spear at his disposal, a bow and arrows, some fruits and bandages, so he didn't have much, the rule was to survive in his own capacity, he was trained from the age of 10, in survival arts, but not alone, that indeed was the day of the test.

He was dropped off by his minions, at the foot of the mountain, on jet-skis, so he went up, the problem was that he heard the howls, coming faster and faster, that he turned, running in the snow, seeing the wolves chasing them, almost falling over the edge.

He was almost falling, but just barely, towards the precipice, he skidded leaning on the rocks, when he took the spear, pushing in the chest of a wolf that advanced before all the others, he had a forehead with the design of a gray star.

The wolf again, advanced once more, Tsuki turned the staff, taking it from his back, then he delivered two blows in a row, towards the animal, others came behind.

Each of them were attacking him, when he started kicking, throwing punches, between running through the snow, leaving more space for him, taking the bow and arrows, shooting towards three more wolves, he avoided their heads, but injuring their thighs and shoulders, causing them to recoil, one of them, in which he slapped his paws and head, lunged forward and bit his leg.

When he took his dagger, piercing the side of his mouth, making him yelp and let go, the others ran, leaving the wolf on the ground, bleeding and howling, Tsuki would kill him, rip off his skin and make a coat, but looking the animal hurting, this made him feel sorry, so he didn't kill it, he should have, but he didn't.

So he started to make a shelter, lighting the fire with twigs, then got some bandages, against all odds, he started to bandage the fallen wolf, the beast looked as if it had two heads, recoiling in fright, that one hour, Tsuki laughing picked him up, making the bandages.

At that time when he thought he himself had gone mad, when he got up, the limping beast wolf followed him, the boy, descending the foothills of the mountains, accompanied by his newest partner, the wolf, when other wolves returned to attack him, Tsuki defended himself again, running, then picking up the arrows and shooting, but what surprised him the most.

Then, the star forehead wolf, was attacking the other wolves defending him, what he saw a gray wolf without an eye, Tsuki threw the spear towards the wolf through his head, another wolf appeared, when his colleague wolf stepped in front of him, facing a huge black wolf with a full moon forehead then.

The star wolf bit him, in the midst of the fight, he had ripped off his jugular while Tsuki was shooting arrows at other wolves, when they stopped attacking, when the black wolf died, then Tsuki realized that he was the leader of the star wolf. pack, what he called the Star was now the pack's leader and his wolf.

So they retreated, now around him he was the leader of a new pack of mountain wolves.

At that time, what surprised Veronika the most was that instead of returning with a wolf's head and all bruised up, he was fine with a pack of wolves at his disposal.

- Well, that's better. – The woman said.

The clan chiefs agreed that this was proof of leadership and loyalty, so he passed with flying colors.

A few years later, they were still at the foot of the mountains, continuing to hunt down other enemies and eat them.