Ignoto The Fierce Lycan


The thatched house began to gradually crumble as the quaking became fiercer. By now, over 12 crusaders were gathered with fixated eyes and trembling hands facing the fearful abode.

“What manner of sorcery is causing that quaking? Is this another one of the witch's attempts to distract us?”

The curious crusaders soon found out the origin of the terrifying tremors. After the last bit of wood that supported the ceiling collapsed, a dreadful creature emerged out of the rubble covered in midnight furs bristled as an agitated dog; sporting bloodthirsty eyes; disproportionate muscularity and razor-sharp claws complementary to its elongated fangs that could tear through a willow tree like butter.

“ROOOAAAAR!” This malignant 15-foot tall beast released a mighty howl that spooked not only the crusaders who were in the vicinity but also the residents who were hiding indoors along with their restless steeds.

“Holy mother of joseph! It’s a werewolf!” Shouted a scared crusader who was clinging tightly to the hilt of his blessed sword.

“That is a monster created by the witches' abominable curse!” Said Commander Dreylude, staring intensely at the humungous creature.

Another devotee voiced his opinion, “I’ve heard of this Lycanthropy curse back at Verbeck, but this is my first time seeing a werewolf up close.”

“Commander Dreylude! How can this creature transform in the middle of the day? I thought that the curse could only activate on the night of the full moon.”

With his brows furrowed in anger, Commander Dreylude assumed, “Obviously that is a lie postulated by those accursed witches. This monster before us is proof enough of their treachery! Well, what are you men standing around for? Go and cleave that beast apart with your blessed swords! Your blades are coated with Blessed Silver! That is the creature’s bane!” His gallant war cry aroused the crusaders’ battle spirit. Many of them began shouting fiercely--

“Kill it!”

“Kill it!”

“Kill it!”

While the majority of the crusaders were busy trying their hardest to subdue the monstrous werewolf, the witch who had fallen in the mud pit, burnt away the rope from her leg and started flying away again. Looking back at the werewolf she shouted, “Hold them off as long as you can, Ignoto! I’m sorry.” She looked remorseful after saying this.

“HOWL!” The beasts roared in response to her command.

The witch’s swift ascent was too obtrusive for the ground troops not to have noticed.

“The witch is escaping! Stop her!”

The crusaders stationed on the rooftops fired their arrows at the flying witch but they all missed their target by a hairsbreadth.

“Dammit, she’s getting away!” This generated great turmoil among the pursuing troops. They automatically assumed that everyone living in that particular residential district was guilty of harbouring a witch along with a cursed creature so they started slaughtering them indiscriminately.

Commander Dreylude wasn’t pleased with the flying witch escaping. Hence he got on horseback and commanded a squadron of riders to follow him. “We’re chasing after that damn witch! The rest of you put down that man-wolf and wipe this city clean of unholy influence!”

“You can count on us, Commander Dreylude! This stinking dog won’t last very long against us!” The crusaders who were currently engaged in gruesome combat with the werewolf were having their fair share of casualties, however, due to their numbers and versatile weaponry, they were gradually wearing down the werewolf by dealing a considerable amount of damage.

“Keep it up, crusaders! The Blessed Silver is doing its job! All that unholy beast needs right now is a stab through the heart to finish him off!”

“Howl! Filthy Crusaders!” The werewolf wasn’t going to go down that easily. It pulled out a few blooded arrows that were stuck in its limbs, moreover, bit off the arm of an unlucky devotee. Afterwards, it jumped onto the rooftop and began chasing after the squadron that was leaving the city by horseback.

“Huh!” Hearing unusually loud thudding noises creeping up behind him, a man who was riding horseback glanced behind him and spotted the werewolf hopping from rooftop to rooftop.

“Commander Dreylude, I think that monster is chasing after us. It probably doesn’t want us to catch up with the witch.”

“What?” Commander Dreylude noticed the werewolf's presence and commanded his steed to go faster. “Full speed ahead! We’re not stopping for anything until we’ve caught up with that damn witch! Yaw! Yaw!”

The horseback riders sped up their steeds, however, the crusader at the rear of the gang wasn’t so lucky. He was wildly pounced on by the werewolf. Both he and his horse got ripped apart limb from limb. It was a brutal display of dismemberment, one that most of the crusaders couldn’t bear to stomach.

“Get that demonic Shapeshifter!”

“Avenge our fallen comrades!”

The angry crusaders penetrated the werewolf with multiple silver-tip arrows which wounded it beyond its fatal limitations. Together with their lust for vengeance, they cut open the beast’s chest and pulled out its beating heart. The heart was so heavy that it required extra pair of hands to toss it into the pyre along with the rest of its corpse after they sliced it into smaller pieces for easier transport.

“Burn to ash you monster!”

“Go back to hell where you came from!”

“I honour my pledge to wipe all manner of abomination from the land of Astasia!”

“Burn! Burn! Burn!”