Being Hunted In Both Worlds

“Find them! They couldn’t have gotten far.” Sherlock gave the agents a specific task to locate Silvia and Amich. Glancing at the object in his hand he added, “These clothing are wet so they must still be on the ranch. Use whatever means you can to find their whereabouts. Catching those children is of the utmost priority.”

“Yes, sir!” The agents assented to Sherlock’s command and began scattering their forces across the ranch in search of the Vaud siblings. Most of them were gathered at the back of the farmhouse where the Outer Burst residual signatures were stronger on their Quantum Resonance Transponder devices.

Silvia and Amich were like bleeding vessels that were leaving a traceable source of contagion wherever they go. This traceable source of contagion, to put it mildly, was referred to as Outer Burst energy, therefore, they couldn’t hide from the CRC agents even if they tried. The most they could do was outrun them and buy themselves some time by leaving fake prints for their scanners.

The CRC agents came equipped for every eventuality, men with jetpacks were hovering at low altitudes across the ranch; they even had drones programmed with artificial intelligence to assist them in their search. With this much effort put into their search, it wouldn’t be long now before they locate their fleeing target.

“I think we’re far enough.”

After glancing at their rear and noticing that no one was chasing them, made Silvia and Amich decreased their brisk pace as they continue to traverse down a hillside where tall trees were spread about giving them shade from the burning sun. They were still on the Berkleys’ ranch but they were at the very outskirts that had a more pronounced wilderness, yet to be cultivated.

“Sister I’m hungry.” Said Amich looking back at Silvia with his big imploring eyes.

“I am also famished,” Silvia admitted. Both she and her brother hadn’t eaten anything since their departure from Guillume Mountain so it was understandable if their strength was waning.

“Can we go hunt something?” Amich wanted to go search the environment for a critter or something to eat but his sister told him sternly to stay close.

“We shouldn’t separate from each other, Amich. I understand that you’re hungry but bear with it for a little while.”

“But I’m starving!” Amich cried out.

“Hm.” Seeing that look of hunger teeming on her brother’s face, moreover, hearing the loud growling of his stomach made Silvia stop walking completely. “Alright, I’ll scout the area for any source of food. I think I remember the Locator Gathering Spell from the top of my head.”

Agreeing to help her brother find food to satiate their hunger, Silvia knelt on the soft earth with her palms pressing firmly against its surface. She sunk her fingers into the earth and commenced a custom rite. Amich watched her closely as she did her thing.

Silvia stirred up some dirt into a heap that she later poked a hole into using her finger. Afterwards, she used her athame (ritual knife) to cut her palm and drained the blood into the hole. She mixed the dirt around until it become muddy. Next, she rolled the mud into a ball and carried it to her lips. All the while she was executing these algorithmic actions, she was saying a chant.

“Heed my whisper, oh gracious mother of nature. Accept this blood offering of mine as compensation for soliciting your aid in feeding our stomachs. Grant my request to furrow your bowels for sources of nutrition. I call upon the eastern, western, southern and northern winds. Be my guide as I ride the wave of evermore.”

Finished saying this, Silvia’s eyes acquired a radiant emerald glow as her head inclined upwards to the sky. The scattered leaves on the floor began to swerve around her in an unusual manner. Her consciousness expanded and attached itself to the billowing waves.

Now that Silvia’s mind had merged with the unseen air element, her field of vision drastically increased to perceive everything within a mile's view. All the areas where the wind was touching were visible to her consciousness.

As her sight continued to expand, the mud ball in her hand began separating into smaller pieces that were slowly transforming into fat, juicy, edible fruits. The nature goddess heard Silvia’s request and was gifting her food to quell her and her brother’s hunger.

“Huh! This is bad.” Silvia’s state of mind became out of balance with nature all of a sudden. This shift altered the performance of her ritual. The tasty fruits that were manifesting in her hands crumbled to dust.

“Sister, what are you doing?” Amich was angered when he saw the food he was supposed to eat crumbling to pieces. He began rummaging Silvia’s hand but all he grasped were broken pieces of dried clay.

The reason why this ritual failed was due to what Silvia discovered while her consciousness was still one with the wind. She saw an organized squadron of CRC agents heading their way along with their far-seeing drones and fancy tech.

“Huff! Huff!” Coming out of her trance, Silvia’s eyes lost their emerald lustre; also she was panting heavily.

“Sister, what’s wrong?” Amich could sense her fears based on her terrifying expression along with her erotic heartbeat.

Catching her breath, Silvia said to her brother sounding hasty, “Amich we have to go. I believe those people we saw back at the house are still chasing after us.”

“But why, we didn’t do anything to them. Did we?” Amich asked this question with a look of pure innocence on his face then he remembered that he injured Chad’s arm. “Are they hunting us for that?”

“It doesn’t matter what we did to upset them. We better leave this place at once.” Silvia placed the athame back into her pouch and took Amich’s hand in her grasp. “While I was using the Locator Gathering Spell I saw a path that lead to a settlement nearby. We may be able to lose our pursuers in a denser area where they are a lot of people.”