Wolfing Out In Public

"Don't hurt my sister!" In retaliation to what Jules had done to Silvia, Amich roused his latent strength and pushed Jules through the clothing store window, causing the glass to shatter in a spray of shards. The impact was intense; Jules's body was sent flying through the air as she tumbled to the ground inside.

“Oh my god! Jules.” Her friend rushed to her aid while calling out her name.

The situation was rapidly spiralling out of control, leaving Silvia and Amich caught in the middle of a volatile confrontation.

“Amich what did you do?” Silvia was shocked.

Jules's friend, along with a few people in the street were utterly surprised by the sudden turn of events. They watched jaws drop as Amich's anger took over, causing him to lash out in a fit of rage.

While helping her friend, the lady asked worryingly, “Jules are you ok?”

“That brat just pushed me through the window?” Jules couldn’t believe what had just happened to her. Never in her years of living had someone assaulted her like that, let alone from a little snot-nosed brat.

“Oh my god, you’re bleeding.” Jules and her friend's anger soared as they took in the cuts and bruises on her body.

Glaring at the demonic child who abused her, Jules yelled, her voice shaking with rage, "What the hell is wrong with you? You could have killed me!"

“What’s happening over there? Did somebody assault someone?”

“I think so. Let’s go over and check it out.” A curious formation of people began crowding around the clothing store. When they got the gist of what went down, their startled eyes began to fixate on the siblings.

Silvia felt uncomfortable with so many eyes staring at them. She knew they had to get out of there quickly. "Come on Amich. We have to go," Silvia grabbed her brother's hand and started to run away from the scene of the incident before anyone could capture them.

They kept on running through the streets of the town while occasionally glancing back at the clothing store, their feet pounding against the pavement as they tried to put as much distance between themselves and their onlookers as possible.

“We need to go faster, Amich.” Silvia urged her brother to speed up.

Just as they were about to turn a corner, a police vehicle on patrol came around the bend and discovered a crowd at the local clothing store.

"What's going on over there?" One of the cops asked, pulling over to investigate the issue.

Jules explained how she had been brutally attacked, moreover, she pointed out the direction where Silvia and Amich had fled.

One of the cops peered down the street and noticed a young silver-haired woman and a boy running away. "That must be them. There is no mistake," Without hesitation, he started chasing after the siblings.

“You 2! Hold it right there.” The cop yelled as he ran.

“Huh!” Silvia glanced back and recognized the cop chasing after them. “They're coming for us.”

Silvia and Amich increased their velocity as they ran through the streets of the town, trying to find a way to escape the clutches of the law.

While moving swiftly to shake off their pursuers, the siblings darted into an alleyway in a desperate bid to escape. But as they ran deeper into the alley, Silvia soon realized that it was a dead end. She turned to her brother, her face contorted with worry and fear. Meanwhile, Amich was filled with regret and remorse for causing so much trouble.

"Sister, I'm sorry," he said, his voice choked with emotion. "I didn't mean to cause any of this."

“It’s ok Amich.” Said Silvia, rubbing his head.

There was no time for apologies or regrets. They had to find a way to escape before it was too late. The cop had chased them into the alley, for they could hear his quick footsteps gaining up on them. Silvia looked around frantically, searching for a way out, but it seemed that they were completely boxed in.

“I need to act fast.” As the cop approached, Silvia grabbed her brother's hand and pulled him towards a dumpster at the back of the alley, hoping to avoid being spotted by the cop. They only had a narrow chance to escape and she wasn't about to let it slip away.

The cop reached the end of the alley, but he lost track of the siblings. "Where are they?" he muttered to himself, sure that he had seen the siblings running into the alley. But as he looked around, he couldn't see anyone. It was as if they had vanished into thin air.

“They must be hiding here somewhere.” The cop was committed to his duty. Instead of turning to leave, he continued to scour the hidden corners of the alley.

“He’s coming our way. Don’t make a sound.” Silvia held her breath, her heart racing as the cop reached out to investigate behind the dumpster. She could feel Amich trembling beside her, they were both thinking the same thing. If the cop discovered them, they would have to do whatever it takes to prevent themselves from getting captured.

“Where are you brats hiding? Are you around here?” The cop's hand started reaching out towards the dumpster during his search.

At that heightened moment of fear, Silvia closed her eyes and focused all of her energy on the spell she was about to cast.

“Temporo Invisio,” she whispered, invoking the power of the invisibility spell on both of them. For a moment, she felt the magic flowing through her veins and then everything went dark. When she opened her eyes again, she saw that the cop was standing right in front of her, completely unaware of her presence.

Silvia and Amich looked at each other in amazement, unsure of what to do next. They knew that they couldn't stay hidden forever because it wouldn’t be long now before the spell wore off.

“Hmm? What is this feeling I have in my gut?” The cop could sense a presence before him but he couldn't see anyone. "This is strange." Just as he was about to push his hand forward to discover the siblings, he got distracted by an incoming transmission on his radio.

"Hey, Herald, did you catch those suspects yet?" his partner's voice crackled through the speaker.

"No, not yet. I'm still searching," the cop replied, his eyes scanning the alley for any sign of movement.

The cop turned away from the dumpster and left the alley in a rush to go search for the siblings. "Maybe they didn't come in this alley after all," he muttered to himself.