A Frustrated Witch Is Hard To Deal With

Silvia sat by the stream, her silver hair cascading down her back like a waterfall of moonlight. She was lost in thought, her brow furrowed with frustration and anger.

"Why did the Supreme Magus send us here?" she muttered to herself, her voice loaded with bitterness. "Why couldn't she have just let us die back in our own time? At least then we wouldn't have to endure all of this."

Amich stood quietly by her side, his timid eyes fixed on his sister as he listened to her troubled thoughts. He knew how much Silvia missed their homeland, the beautiful and expansive country of Astasia. He missed it also, even though from a technical viewpoint they were still in Astasia, only the future version that they were unfamiliar with.

"We should never have left," Silvia continued, her voice filled with regret. "We should have stayed and fought, no matter how hopeless it seemed. But no, we had to run, like cowards. And now we're here, in this strange and confusing world."

She shook her head, her frustration mounting. "I just want to go home, Amich. I want to return to our own time, to the people and places we love. I don't care about the dangers that await us there. I just want to be free from all of this."

As she spoke, a sudden rustle in the bushes nearby caught her attention. She tensed, her hand instinctively reaching for her athame as she prepared to defend herself.

"Who's there?" she called out, her voice sharp and commanding. "Show yourself!"

The rustling grew louder. Silvia stood up, ready to face whatever danger lay ahead. But as the bushes parted, she was shocked to see a familiar golden-eyed black cat.

"It's you again," Silvia exclaimed as the mysterious black cat with golden eyes emerged from the shadows of the forest.

Amich, who was still recovering from their narrow escape from the CRC agents, pointed at the feline and said, "You helped us escape back there, didn't you?"

The cat only responded with a low purr as it walked past Amich and over to where Silvia was sitting. It rubbed its head against her leg and purred even louder, almost as if it could sense the powerful witch within her. Silvia reached out and stroked the cat's glossy fur, a small smile gracing her lips.

"Who are you?" Silvia asked the cat, her voice filled with curiosity. "How do you keep appearing whenever we're in trouble?"

The cat didn't respond but instead continued to purr and rub against Silvia's leg. Amich watched the scene with a mixture of awe and jealousy. Despite his own powerful werewolf abilities, the cat seemed to favour his sister over him.

"It's almost as if it can sense the beast within you, Amich," Silvia said, turning to her younger brother. "Perhaps it's drawn to our magical powers."

Amich had his eyes fixed on the cat. "I just wish it would pay attention to me too," he said with a pout.

Silvia chuckled and ruffled Amich's hair. "Don't worry, little brother. I'm sure the cat will warm up to you eventually."

“Right…” Before Amich could complete his response, his stomach let out a loud growl. "I'm hungry again sister," he was rubbing his belly while contorting his face in a painful expression.

Silvia's smile faded. She released a sigh then spoke, "Please bear with it for a little while Amich. Just until I figure our next course of action”

The siblings sat by the stream, lost in their own thoughts, trying to come up with a plan. The cat continued to purr and rub against Silvia, trying to comfort her. They had no food, no shelter, and no way to defend themselves against the CRC agents who were surely still searching for them.

"We could try to find some berries or nuts to eat," Silvia suggested, scanning the surrounding forest for any signs of food. "Or maybe we could catch a fish from the stream."

Amich's stomach growled at the mention of food, but he shook his head. "I don't think we have enough time to catch a fish. We need to continue moving until we’re sure we are not being followed. I can smell that we’re still being tracked. If I go search the forest, I bet I can find a critter to eat right away."

Silvia sighed and nodded, knowing that her brother was right. They couldn't stay in one place for too long, not with the CRC agents hot on their trail.

"Alright Amich, I understand you are starving," Silvia called out to her brother, who was rummaging through the underbrush. "I permit you to search the woods for food.

Amich's face lit up at the sound of his sister's voice. "Thank you, Sister," he replied, before darting off into the woods.

"Don't stray too far, Amich," she called out after him.

Silvia watched as her brother eagerly ran off into the woods, his lean frame disappearing into the dense foliage as he searched for food. Despite her own hunger, she pushed it aside as she turned her attention to the pressing problem at hand. How were they going to get back to their own time? She couldn't shake the feeling that their presence in this strange, modern world was no coincidence. There had to be a way to return home.

She walked to the edge of the stream and sat down on a nearby rock, letting the cool water flow past her feet while she expand on her thoughts. The mysterious black cat with golden eyes appeared at her side, rubbing its head against her foot. Silvia absently scratched behind its ears, lost in thought.

"There has to be a way back."