An assortment of sex toys!

Daniela Grey

While Aubrianne tried on the options she picked out, and she put aside what she chose to purchase. What she discarded, she gave back to the rep.

My hackles are raised by that feeling of being watched. I casually drifted away from Aubrianne under the pretense of looking at other items as I discretely scanned the store we were currently in.

However, nothing stood out of the ordinary, people bustling around simply conversing or store hopping like we were.

I went back to Aubrianne's side, and they went on like that for about twenty more minutes in this store, moving from section to section, browsing, choosing out options, more squeals of excitement from Aubrianne, more interruptions from Daniel asking Aubrianne's opinion.

More of my looking around uncomfortably but trying my hardest not to alarm anyone. Then we were ready to cash out and move on to the next store.