Be Patient?

Aubrianne Ivanov

Coming full circle on the tour of the modern massive, elegant spread, they had just finished touring the mansion's other rooms, closets, and secret passages. Shortcuts, if you will!

"Are you ready to join the others now, or is there anything you want to do here instead?" Theo went on to explain to Aubrianne that she was more than welcome anytime she wanted until she was ready to move in.

Hopefully soon!

Meanwhile, everyone was busy at the pool and with Theo wrapped up with Aubrianne. Christen had gone to her room, removed her jewelry, cleaned her makeup, undressed, and showered almost aimlessly.

How she moved, it was like she was somewhere, far away in her mind. Her mind was heavy after earlier, and the person who usually calms her and eases her worries on nights like this was dead.

The nights when the hurt was too much to bear, and she starts wondering why. Why does she do it?