Oozing Fantastic Sex

Zayne also ensured he had a conversation with Aubrianne's father right before walking to the spot where he saw her across the field before she stole his breath.

He had pulled Alpha Theodore Thornton aside and asked for his blessing.

Zayne knew it was a long shot, but from this conversation, he simply wished to inform Alpha Theodore Thornton of his intentions as a way of respect.

He harbored no illusions that Thornton would happily give him his blessings, which is why Zayne was shocked when Thornton did.

Then Zayne became suspicious. He had a nagging feeling. He was expecting at least some hesitation, a little pushback, not an all-out immediate blessing.

Nevertheless, Zayne had made up his mind, and nothing could have changed it.

Elder Mortimer soon cleared his throat, interrupting the pair from their sweet, intimate makeout session.