Wit's End

Aubrianne had plans for her Mate tonight. They moved about together as Zayne got his updates again when they returned, and then they prepared for her trip the next day.

Jada bunked out with Shawn and Kirrah that night.

Nevertheless, coming out of the shower, Aubrianne ordered Zayne to sit on one of the chairs in their bedroom.

Aubrianne was giddy with love -head over heels in love. The past few days with Zayne have been nothing but fantastic.

She saw her future at his side but knew they had a battle ahead. The chaos before the calm, she called it.

They had a pending problem that needed to be dealt with before they got to 'happily ever after.' And that issue was Dr. Nathan White.

Nonetheless, Aubrianne was here for it and with Zayne every step of the way, and she was not even scared, given her display when they were in danger at the parking garage.