Who is this psycho?

This was indeed overwhelming and euphoric at the same time, to say the least, for Aubrianne.

Since her arrival earlier, Martha had been jolly, almost skipping through her explanations, fanciful as ever.

This caused a giddiness in Leia as she listened to what she already suspected. She was wagging her tail and skipping around as if she truly knew what it was.

Aubrianne hated this. She hated it when Leia did this - knowing precisely what was going on, but Leia would choose to wait for Aubrianne to figure it out.

But she knew Leia knew that she would figure it out, eventually.

It was like Leia was sort of testing her, and honestly, Aubrianne does not mind most of the time, but right now, she does not appreciate this about Leia.

At All! Right now, she wanted to know what it was all about.

Nevertheless, Aubrianne's eyes only widened the more Martha explained.