Should have surrendered!

Aubrianne and Shawn cried out as Shawn rushed to Kirrah's side and brought her closer to him and Aubrianne as he consoled her with his tear-filled eyes and felt the most gut-wrenching pain in the midst of all this.

And Aubrianne relaxed herself from clutching her chest, grasping her heart, trying to calm the beats, then wrapped her arms around them, trying to give comfort, but it was like her magic was not working, or she could not focus well enough to do the task.

At this point, Aubrianne was kicking herself for not giving up herself. All the teams would be alive, not to mention Shawn's mate Kirrah.

"I should have surrendered. Maybe Kirrah will still be alive." Aubrianne started, but Shawn quickly cut her off, "I won't hear of it."

He shut her down instantly.

"They would have killed us all anyway," Shawn spoke, his voice croaking. Realizing and accepting his faith, he would gladly die and meet his mate in the afterlife.