Break up

Ava walked into the house, she entered into the living room and couldn't see her boyfriend. she was surprised when she asked the house maids and they said they don't have an idea of where he is.

She decided to sit down and wait at the living room, one of the maids brought some snacks for her with a juice to drink along with it.

Another maid turned on the Tv for her,

“ thank you" she appreciated as the maid bowed and left her.

She changed the channel to her favorite Tv show, after about thirty minutes of waiting she became exhausted and felt like sleeping.

She stood up and started walking towards boyfriend's room to sleep, there was no need to call a maid to direct her since this is not her first time to be there and to be inside his room.

She decided to go to his room and wait for him to return, as she walked closer to the room she heard some voices. when she moved closer it was a moaning from a woman, she was surprised.

“ I thought they said he's not around, maybe someone else's is inside there or he forgot to turn off his TV before leave his room and no one has noticed that the TV is on" she concluded.

But as she walked closer she noticed the sounds were not coming from the Tv but rather from two persons, she became scared on the kind of thought she was having but she brushed it off.

“ I trust him. He won't do that " she assured herself

She walked closer to the door she felt like reality was killing her, she forcefully opened the door as it was not locked to behold her boyfriend thrusting harder in a lady as she pleaded for more.

She could not believe as tears rolled down her checks, she bent down on her knees and sob. The other people who were lost in their own world was brought back by her cry.

Lucas got up and caught Ava who was about to run out of the room

“ hey babe, am sorry it's not what you think" he pleaded

“ what do you think am thinking right now" she yelled at him

“ am so sorry, I don't know what came over me" he said with his face down

“ you idiot, you betrayer why did you do this to me after all the love I showed to you, why!..why! Lucas ” she cries looking at her Lucas waiting for a possible explanations form him.

“ What were you expecting me to do? sit down and wait until we get married before we can have sex, for god's sake Ava, am a man and I got feelings and needs, since you wouldn't give it to me I had to go some where else” Lucas speaks to her with a voice that shows no remorse for his actions

“ I thought you were begging me before, what changed" she asked but go no reply from him, she cried more.

Ava looks at him dumbfounded, “ you shame less cheater your not even feeling any remorse for what you have done ha! I hate you” Ava speaks back to Lucas with tears in her eyes

“ what hahaha, I should feel remorse for what I did, you should even be thankful and clapping to that lady for saving you the stress and doing your job” Lucas speaks to Ava

Ava could only look at Lucas and visualize what kind of monster he is“ so I have been a fool all this while, so because I said no to sex you decided to cheat” ava asked Lucas

Lucas looks at her “ Do you know what, am done with you and every thing that concerns you, this relationship am calling it over and am breaking up with you" Lucas speaks to Ava and turned to go back to the bed

Ava immediately goes down on her knees held his leg to plead“ please Lucas am sorry for shouting at you, your free to cheat but please don't break with me I love you so much ple..ase” Ava sobbed

Lucas removes her hands from his leg, picks her up from the ground and pushes her outside the room and with a steamed look gives her a warning “ I don't want to ever see you any way close to me we are done and that is final” he banged the door on her.

Ava continues banging on the door “ please Baby I still love you, give me another chance am sorry if hurt your feelings with my words” Ava begs Lucas

Ava stays at the door for some minutes without any response she decides to leave promising not give up until she gets back Lucas.

Fortunately for her there was no one at Lucas house when it happened only the maids who mind there own business and never interfere with activities of there boss.

since Lucas Wave is from one of the respected and riches family in the country you don't expect to see any one at home by that time.

She cries and goes to her car and drives home, as soon as she got home. she gets out from the car and runs into her room before anyone takes notice of her presence.

As Lucas went back into the room, he sat down on the bed.

The lady tried touching him, “ handsome let's continue" she said as she tried to touch his d***

Lucas held her hand and said “ leave my house"

“ hey handsome don't you want another round"she asked with a seductive look

“ I said leave my house" he opened his drawer and brought out $10,000 and he gave it to her

“ leave now" he shouted and pointed at the exit door

She got scared and quickly took her clothes together with the money and ran out of the house, Lucas stood up and banged the door.

Earlier that day.....


“ Hi mom good morning” Ava greets her mom

“ where are you off to this morning" her mom asked her

“ no strange place but am going to see my boyfriend, Lucas I also bought a surprise gift for him, I hope he will like It" Ava replies her mom

“ of course he will no man can resist your charm easily,off you go just be careful and know that I love you baby” her mom replies her

“ okay mom i love you too bye” Ava speaks and she leaves the house.

She tried reaching him on the phone but no one picked “ I guess he's busy I just go to his house and wait for him” Ava concluded.

Present time...

Ava cried as she recounts the events that unfolded itself today as she looks at the gift she got for Lucas a BT lastest design for males an expensive cloth worth two million dollars.

She wanted today to be a special day for them because of the argument they had yesterday but she never saw this coming.

She felt heart broken, she rolled from one side of the bed to another crying.

“ Ava are you okay, open the door why are you crying, is everything ok with you baby girl" Sophia knocks at her daughters door.

Cause she noticed the way her daughter rushed into her room without been mindful if any one was around.

Which is unlike her, it means something is wrong with Ava and hearing her cry strengthens her suspicion.

Ava hears her mom knocking at the door and rushes immediately to the bathroom to wash her face after making sure that her face was okay and there is no trace of tear on her face nor her eyes.

she coughs and moves to the door to open it for her mom,

“Hi mom is everything ok, am sorry I did not hear you I was inside the bathroom” Ava speaks to her mom

“ Are you okay dear” Mrs. Sophia ask Ava

“ yes mom am perfectly ok, am fine” Ava replies quickly

Mrs Sophia could sense that something was off with Ava but she didn't want to push it she only gave a nod and said “ I came to inform you that Lunch is ready”

“ ok mom I will be right there in a minute” Ava replies with a smile

As soon as her mom left, Ava breathed a sigh of relieve that her mom did not push her into any state of questions and answers, if her mon did she won't be able to escape not hid anything.

she walks back inside the room and sits on the bed, different thoughts runs through her head on what to do

“ I will not tell anyone about what happened it will remain a secret” Ava says to herself.

She enters into the bathroom and quickly had her shower, she came out and dried her body with towel and wore a simple gown.

Ava goes to the bed and checked for any messages but there was none from Lucas. She stands up from the bed and goes downstairs for lunch and surprisedly sees her dad at home,

“ dad your at home but you don't usually come back by this time" Ava asked her dad.

“ yes my dear I decided to come home early today, I left every other thing for your brother to handle" Mr Noah replies Ava

“ you mean Jett, dad can he handle the office without your presence?" Ava asked her as she dishes out her food and fathers own.

“ yes of course I trust your brother, his more than capable to handle the company so I left him in charge, am even planning when you get to your 300 Level I will introduce you to the company and I go and rest for a while and watch you and your brother” Noah replies Ava

“ if you say so dad no problem” Ava replies her dad as she starts eating.

Her mom comes besides her and sit down “ so Ava tell us how was your day with Lucas hope it went well” Sophia asked Ava

Ava looks at her food been careful not to look at her mom to avoid her been suspicious, “ yes mom it went well” Ava replies her mom

“ so you went to see Lucas today, I see that your relationship is improving that's good" Noah praises Ava

Ava replies with a fake smile “ yes dad we are good”

“ so did he like the gift you bought for him” Sophia asked her

“ yes mom he did, he even said he was planning on buying that same cloth, he was really grateful for it” Ava replies her mom while avoiding eye contact, because her mom can easily read someone through their eyes

“ ok let's enjoy our meal” Sophia replies

“ ok mom” Ava replies

Sophia looked at her daughter she knew everything was not okay or maybe it's okay, because Ava has always had issues in the past with relationships.

she could sense Ava has issues with romance but she hoped and thought in her mind that her relationship with Lucas will not end like others in a disrespectful manner and bring shame to the family, company and her fame.

but one thing was certain Lucas is the only guy she had loved and admired more than others in the past. Although she never really dated anyone before it has just been close friends and going on dates which everyone thought it was a relationship.

Ava noticed her mom was in deep thoughts, she became scared, “ I hope mom has not called Lucas and found out about what happened” Ava thought

Sophia noticed Ava wasn't eating rather she was picking her food “ ava your not eating your just picking your food are you okay baby, is there anything you need to share with us, we are your parents we will help the way we can” Sophia asked ava

“ No mom , everything is okay I eat a lot of food at Lucas house so that's why am not eating much" ava lied

“ okay if you say so” Sophia responded and continued with her meal.