Feigned Love: Am a Natural part (1)

Due to the long discussions Ava had with her mom last night, so because of that she slept late and woke up late.

Ava woke up from her sleep and realized that she was late for class “ oh my God am late, fucking late” ava blurted out, gets out of the bed and runs to the bathroom.

She quickly had her bath, put on her clothes and carried her bag and ran downstairs, she took her car key dashed out of the house.

“ Ava won't you have your breakfast," Sophia asked Ava

“ No am late mom" Ava replied as she gets into her car and drives out.

When Ava got to the school she quickly ran to her lecture room but unfortunately the lecturer has already started his Lectures, Ava banged in to the class with an unexpected full speed.

Everyone including the lecturer Looked at her “ Young lady what kind of nonsense attitude is that ? banging in to my class and why are you coming late. look at the time " The young Lecturer questioned Ava harshly

“ Am sorry sir I slept late and woke up late" Ava replied

“ Really, that's what happens when you date and break up tomorrow, you end up keeping late nights" The lecturer mocks Ava with his words.

Everyone in the class broke in to a laughter, Ava felt embarrassed, “ Now since you decided to sleep late at night am not sure you have not gotten enough sleep or did you?” The lecturer asked Ava.

Ava didn't give a response but rather she kept mute with her eyes fixed on the floor, The lecturer continued “ so I want to give you a special privilege, go and continue your sleep and over come your heartbreak"

“ please sir am sorry for coming late to class don't send me out” Ava pleaded to the Lecturer

“ Get out of my class, because you feel you are from a rich family and a celebrity I will let you do what you want, now leave my class" the lecturer responded with a steamed voice to Ava

Ava left the class with tears, some of the students pitied her while some laughed at her.

During the break period, Ava went to the school cafeteria to grab her lunch. As she steps In, she noticed Lucas and Jenny with their gang as they sat down eating, talking and laughing amongst themselves.

She walked in collected her Lunch and sat at a place where they won't take notice of her but Sky saw her when she entered and informed Jenny and Lucas, they drew there attention to her.

“ She was refused into the class today" one of the students sitting with Jenny spoke

Jenny and everyone else laughed, “ it must have been such an embarrassment" sky spoke

“ what a shame" Jenny said

Sky stood up and walked towards Ava when she got to her table, she poured her food on the floor. The others laughed and encouraged her while Ava ignored her.

“ oops, sorry my mistake" She said

“ Are you going to ignore me like am not here” sky asked with a smile

Ava kept quiet, sky grew annoyed and responded “ Are you going to say something or what"

Ava looked at her and replied “ silence is the best answer for an idiot like you.” Ava stood up and walked out of the cafeteria leaving Sky speechless.

After class for that day, Ava got home and met her mom and dad talking, “ Hi mom, Hi Dad Good afternoon" Ava greeted, “ Hi Ava” they responded in unison

Sophia left her husband to talk to Ava, “ Ava am sorry you were late to class today, I heard were refused to enter the class today” Sophia asked

“ yes mom but it's not a problem" Ava replied

“ if you say so, go have your shower I will ask the maids to setup something for you to eat" Sophia responded

“ okay mom” Ava replied as she walks to her room

“ is she okay,” Noah asked Sophia

“ yes she is Honey” Sophia replied

“ okay if you say so dear, I will go take my rest” Noah responded

“ ok" Sophia replied

Ava got into her room, had her bath and decided to check what's new on social media and update her relationship status to single.

She Logs in and sees many hashtags with her account tagged to them, #avalatetoschool, #beautycriesoverheartbreak, #chasedoutofclass.

Ava couldn't believe it she decides to check who tagged her, she finds out is Jenny and her gang, she gets annoyed and calls Jenny.

“ Hello I know you must have seen the trending topics I created for you” Jenny spoke

“ yes I did, I want you to stop them you have Lucas now, that's what you have always wanted" Ava replied

“ oh yes I have Lucas now but you know you have always overshadowed me right from elementary, so now I want to do the same to you" Jenny responded

“ wow really that's your big plan but you seem to forget am Ava Stone and am natural in whatever I do" Ava boast

“ I don't understand” Jenny replied

“yes I know you don't understand just go ahead and do what you want as time goes on I will explain to you the meaning of natural you moron" Ava blurted out

“ okay we will see about that" Jenny responded and hung up the call

“ idiot" Ava spoked and let the room for lunch

The school session slowly came to an end and Ava grades was good despite the problems she encountered this school session.

Ava woke up and had her bath and breakfast. she changed to a casual attire and decided to go out for shopping.

“ Ava where are you off to this afternoon” Noah asked his daughter

“ Hi Dad am going for shopping” Ava responded

“ okay take the guards along with you” Noah replied

Ava always hated the idea of going out with guards it makes her feel like she's a baby that's needs protection she politely refused her dad's request

“ No thanks dad am okay” Ava replied

Noah wanted to agitate against the idea of no guards but on a second thought he concurred

“ okay just be careful” Noah responded

“ Thanks dad I will” she drops a peck on her dad's face and leaves the house.

She gets into her car and drives off to the shopping plaza for her new collections.

On getting there she was welcomed by the receptionist, “ Hi Miss Ava Stone, welcome to phantom Plaza, please make your self comfortable”

Ava turned to the receptionist who welcomed her and responded “ Thank you"

“I got am information that your new collections has arrived so am here to check on it and select the ones suitable for me" Ava asked the receptionist

“yes ma, they arrived two days ago, this way ma let me show you our new collections" the receptionist replied as she directed Ava to there new collections with two male workers that accompanied them.

Meanwhile, Jenny arrived with Lucas thirty minutes later because Jenny got an information that phantom Plaza has gotten a new collections so she decides to come check it with Lucas.

Phantom Plaza is a high class fashioned mall for the elite's, each clothes there worth billions of dollars.

They have always be patronized by the Stone's family especially Ava and other well respected families in Country V and outside over the years for their good fashion sense.

The receptionist was showing Ava there new collections of different brands, Ava did not find any of the clothes satisfactory due to her high taste and knowledge in fashion.

She kept asking for if there were any other ones as she looked at the receptionist bringing different clothes for her, she takes notice of a packaged gown that's was kept separate from others.

“ why is that gown there ?” Ava asked

The receptionist noticed that Ava has seen the gown kept from others

“ ma that's a limited high priced gown, our managers told us to keep it that it's meant for someone else" the receptionist responded

“ I want to see it" Ava requested

“okay" the receptionist replied

The receptionist signaled one of the male workers to bring it for her, the gown was brought closer for Ava.

“ open it" Ava requested

They brought the gown out from it package, Ava looked at the gown with so much satisfaction, the color of the gown was red made with some rare gems and diamonds.

You could say from the designs, that this is not the work of an amateur but that of a professional whose hands are good at craft and a brain filled with extraordinary creativity .

“ what a nice creation" she said

Ava fell in love with the gown at first sight and she became determined to buy it not minding who the gown was made for because she felt the gown was made for her and no one else.

Ava looked at the receptionist and spoke “ I want the gown, I don't care who it was made for, I will pay whatever amount is needed for it"

The receptionist could tell that by Ava's tone, she really loves the gown but there was nothing the receptionist could do about it, as they don't have the right to sell it.

“Am sorry ma but we were warned not to sell it to anyone because the gown has already been selected for someone else" the receptionist replied.

Ava wondered who had higher authority than her, she was about to ask for the manager when she was interrupted by a familiar voice.

“ ooh my God!! baby this gown is so beautiful I want it" Jenny exclaimed

“ I want it, how much I will pay," Jenny asked the receptionist

“ am sorry ma but this gown was selected for someone else, so we are not permitted to sell It to anyone" the receptionist replied

Jenny grew annoyed and spoke back “ I how dare you speak such trash to me, do you know that with just a phone call you will lose your job”

The receptionist looked at Jenny and maintained her ground “ am sorry but we can't sell it, even Miss Ava here has around tried buying the gown but we refused", that was when Jenny and Lucas noticed Ava sitting quietly staring at them.

“ wow the dumped beauty is here even such a gown will bring mockery to you” Jenny responded

She and Lucas Laughed.

Jenny turned to the receptionist and requested to see there manager but no one moved an inch to call the manager. Jenny was about to shout at them when the manager and a strange young woman who is in her early thirty's walked into the room.

The woman and the manger was laughing and talking about something when he heard the voice of a lady shouting so he decided to come and check what the problem is and the woman followed him to come.

Jenny looked at the woman, she walked up to her and spoke “I don't care who you are but my name is Jenny cloud, I will give you some money use it and get something better, this gown is mine”

Jenny pulled some Dollar notes from her pulse and throw it at the woman, she was surprised when the woman didn't not move but rather looked at her.

Jenny insulted the woman with every kind of hurtful words,as Jenny was about to turn to the manager when she received a hot slap on her face, her face became red as she wondered who had the audacity to slap her.

“ Who are you” Jenny asked in a tearful voice

“ My name is Clara Barton popularly know as C.B” the woman responded.